Math Advocacy in Ohio

OMELC serves as the advocacy arm for the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM) and works in partnership with OCTM's journal, the Ohio Journal of School Mathematics (OJSM).

The Ohio Journal of School Mathematics Advocacy Corner is meant to provide a voice to math educators, math teacher educators, math educational researchers, or other math teaching policy-based advocates regarding trending topics that, through state and national policy and initiatives, can advance the math education of K-12 children.

Authors should provide the context of the position and support it with data. Include a sufficient number of external resources so to elevate the paper from an opinion piece to a research-based position piece. The manuscript will be reviewed by at least two reviewers with at least one from the OMELC Higher Education Board Member group.

Ohio Journal of School Mathematics Call for Manuscripts:

Mathematics Pathways

The Ohio Journal of School Mathematics Advocacy Corner in collaboration with OMELC invites manuscripts related to plans for implementing Mathematics Pathways that provides access to mathematics to all students, in Ohio and beyond.

For manuscript guidelines, see Ohio Journal of School Mathematics

Previous Advocacy Corner Publications and Topics: