ODPhi Room Phase Two

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Student Union Building on the campus of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX





At the National Conference in Lubbock, TX, summer of 2002 we celebrated our 15th year of existence. During the conference, Texas Tech University honored the fraternity with the dedication of a conference room to the men of Omega Delta Phi. In 2004, Brothers from around the nation raised $5000 to upgrade the room with important memorabilia of the fraternity. The room needs an interior upgrade so we are coming to ask you for donations. This needed symbol needs to be maintained so it can better express the culture of the fraternity.


Donor List:


Updated 10/25/2022

Below is a current list of Donors and their level of contribution.

Please Note:

* Donor's total is between levels.

**Donor's total is above the Platinum Knight Level.

ODPhi Room Donor List