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MEMBERSHIP- Membership in the Old Darlington District Chapter, SCGS (ODDC SCGS) year runs from January 1st to December 31st. Basic Membership Levels include 4 issues of The Darlington Flag Quarterly (40 pages per issue) e-mailed as a PDF document. The ODDC SCGS meets monthly (in person or by ZOOM) except for July and September. This membership includes a subscription to the S.C.G.S. quarterly publication, CAROLINA HERALD. Memberships are accepted via on-line payment. Please see the Membership Button on the bottom of the page.

If you wish to receive your Darlington Flag as a hardcopy mailed to your home, the minimum membership level is $40.00 

Membership Levels:  

A portion of each membership level (except Associate Memberships) is forwarded to the South Carolina Genealogical Society. Donations of money or genealogical materials are welcomed. All monetary donations are used to expand the holdings at the ODDC SCGS Library Collection at the Darlington County Historical Commission.  

If you join the ODDC SCGS during the calendar year, you will receive all four PDF issues of the DARLINGTON FLAG, our 40-page quarterly publication, for that calendar year.

*We do offer the option for installment payments for our "Life Membership." This is payable at $250/year for 4 years, please email us for this option.