John Carroll Skinner Collection

John Carroll Skinner Collection

John Carroll Skinner's

Genealogical Collection Index

JOHN CARROLL SKINNER GENEALOGICAL COLLECTION: John Carroll Skinner was a professional genealogist and author with strong ties to Darlington, Lee, and Sumter Counties, SC. Skinner's genealogical interests were not limited just to these counties, but embraced all areas of South Carolina. He was well known for his comprehensive research, his knowledge of the available resources, and his leadership in the South Carolina Genealogical Society. Upon his death, his genealogical collection consisted of tens of thousands of index cards, hundreds of books and files, and scores of completed genealogical research projects. For several years this collection remained in storage awaiting a fitting home. The Old Darlington District Chapter, SCGS approached Skinner's heirs and asked that the Skinner Genealogical Collection be housed in the Hartsville Genealogical Research Library. The ODDC SCGS would undertake the massive task of sorting, cataloging, and making available to the public this collection. In early 1998, the ODDC SCGS was given this opportunity by the Skinner family. The Skinner Genealogical Collection was placed at the Hartsville Genealogical Research Library. After a year of work, the collection was finally made fully available to the public in early 1999. The surnames and subjects listed below represent only a portion of the Skinner Genealogical Collection. This index of the tens of thousands of cards was prepared by ODDC SCGS president, Lynn W. Lee. Some topics are represented by only a few cards in the Skinner Collection, other topics may be represented by scores of index cards. In the fall of 2017, the Skinner Collection was moved to the Darlington County Historical Commission. Please see the listing of surnames and topics in the Skinner Collection at the bottom of this page.


WHAT IS CONTAINED IN THE SKINNER GENEALOGICAL COLLECTION? The collection consists of thousands of index cards. The information focuses primarily on South Carolina, although other states are represented. Below are several samples of the type of information that is contained in the collection.

SAMPLE #1 Richland County, SC

May, James (1) Equity

Equity Roll # 187 D: 29 Dec 1821

James May Died 1811 Leaving;

Widow: Elizabeth

Children; Gilbert


Mary Ann

Lucy Wallace


and John

Gilbert May left the state in embarrassed circumstances.

SAMPLE #2 Equity Roll # 187

Richland County, SC

May, James (2) Equity

Lucy Wallace married Thomas Flowers on 20 June 1820

Lucy Wallace mentions her son James

Joseph B. Stanton, Thomas Heath and Thompson Ware were appointed to select the slave that is to go to Lucy Wallace Flowers

Equity Roll # 187

SAMPLE #3 Sumter County, SC Census 1860

Sumter County, SC Census 1860

Galloway, Abraham

4645 [*] Abam Galloway 70M born ca. [1790]

[*] Kitsey Galloway 67F born ca. [1793] NC

[*] Martha Galloway 22F born ca. [1838]

[*] Richard Galloway 31M born ca. [1829]

SC Dept. Archives

Sumter Co. SC.

Census 1860 4645

SAMPLE #4 Darlington County, SC

Darlington County, SC

Galloway, Elizabeth J.

[Gravestones in Galloway Cemetery]

Susannah C. Elizabeth J. Galloway Albert O.J.C. Galloway

Wife of Aug 12 1843 Sept 05 1862

J.W. Northcut Nov 02 1910 Sept 13 1917

born Jan 25 1845

died June 18 1908

Galloway Cemetery, Darlington Co. SC

SAMPLE #5 Charleston County, SC

Charleston County, SC

May, James

Char. Wills Vol II P. 68

James May

15 Apr 1767 P. 11 May 1767

Wife: Elizabeth May

Son: John May

James May

Dau: Lucy May

Exec: Wife Elizabeth May & John Thomas Jr.

Wit: Thomas Taylor

Nathan Mils

Martha Taylor

Char. Co. SC Wills Vol II p 68

I AM OUT OF TOWN (STATE), CAN I OBTAIN COPIES? YES, please read further.

Due to the overwhelming response that we have had to this list, we are going to try to fill requests for copies on-line and by mail. However, please keep in mind that our staff is "all volunteer," and most of our volunteers work full time, so please be patient.

HOW DO I FIND THE SURNAME OR TOPIC I AM INTERESTED IN? An alphabetical listing of the Skinner Genealogical Collection is available at the bottom of this page. Please scroll through the listing to find the families or topics you are interested in.

HOW DO I ORDER COPIES OF THE INFORMATION IN THE SKINNER GENEALOGICAL COLLECTION? Copies of the cards in the Skinner Genealogical Collection are 50 cents each, postpaid. There is a MINIMUM ORDER of $10.00.

IF THE NUMBER OF CARDS IS LISTED NEXT TO THE SURNAME OR TOPIC THE PROCEDURE IS EASY: Determine how many cards are in the set(s) you desire. Multiply the number of cards by .50. Submit your copy request below and an invoice will be e-mailed to you. This will allow you to submit an online payment. Your order will be filled as quickly as possible. Below are examples of how your invoice will be determined.

EXAMPLE #1- Barrett Family- 44 cards times .50 = $22.00.

EXAMPLE #2- Anchors Family- 25 cards + Beach Family- 3 cards + Broom Family- 16 cards + Boulware Family- 11 cards = 55 cards times .50 = $27.50.

EXAMPLE #3- Ambrose Family- 13 cards times .50 = $6.50 (Sorry, MINIMUM ORDER OF $10.00. If you desire, you MAY purchase only these 13 cards, but the cost is $10.00.)

IF THE NUMBER OF CARDS IS NOT LISTED NEXT TO THE SURNAME OR TOPIC, PLEASE FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE: Select the families or topics you are interested in and e-mail the Chapter's Officers. We will count the number of cards and respond to you in a couple of days. You can then decide to order the cards.

I am ready to order my cards. What do I do now? To purchase cards from the Skinner Genealogical Collection, please e-mail the ODDC SCGS from the link at the bottom of this page. Provide us with the surnames & topics you are interested in purchasing, your name and mailing address. We will e-mail you an invoice that will allow you to submit an online payment. Once the payment is received, we will send you a photocopy of the cards you ordered.

I prefer to pay by check or money order. How can I do this? Send us the surnames & topics that you are interested in along with you name, mailing address, and the remittance to the address below. Once the payment is received, we will send you a photocopy of the cards you ordered.


Old Darlington District Chapter, SCGS

PO BOX 175

HARTSVILLE, SC 29551-0175

I HAVE ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS. You may email Chapter's Officers for further information.



I got the copies of the cards for Mozingo and Kea last week. I really appreciate your quick response. I see in your note that there are an additional 150 cards for the surname Key. I think I will wait on that. I'm hoping to get up that direction this summer and I will check those then. In checking land records I had come across a Mozingo name - Jesse Mozingo - I wasn't familiar with as a witness in an 1806 land transaction and had hoped to find a possible lead on him.

Thanks for all your help.




Please see the link below to access the Index to the Skinner Collection.

To purchase Skinner Cards, please email us and provide the surnames-topics you are interested in purchasing, along with your mailing address. We will email you an invoice. That invoice will allow you to submit an online payment. Once payment is received, we will send you a photocopy of the cards.