Oakmont Lanes Club


Oakmont Lanes is a Bowling League located in the Oakmont Retirement Community consisting of 4 person teams that utilize Nintendo Wii to simulate the experience of bowling without the weight of a bowling ball.

Any Oakmont resident who has the ability of holding a small remote control in their hand while swinging their arm as if they were throwing a bowling ball will be able to join.

We play every Tuesday afternoon from 2pm to 3:30pm at the Oakmont East Recreation Center except for the 4th Tuesday of every month. See our Schedule/Standings . 2pm  League consists of Ten Teams, 4 persons per team. See Teams.

We have 3 tournaments per year:  Winter, Summer and Fall Leagues. Each tournament lasts 10 weeks, with a League Team Champion at the end determined by a play-off of the top 6 teams

After the play-off, we celebrate with an awards presentation and meeting to signup for the next 10 week tournament. Each bowler has his/her running average and a handi-cap based on 80% of 275. Each week the team standings for that week are posted along with each bowlers running average and handi-cap.

Scott Harris is the founder and sponsor of Oakmont Lanes. Thanks to Scott, we all have bowling shirts, the equipment to bowl, and music while we're bowling.

Our ten week Winter League 2025 starts on Jan 7th, with a play-off Tournament and Awards Meeting to be held on Apr 15th.

We have Substitute bowlers who are called when needed to sub for a team bowler. Each Substitute has his/her own running average and handi-cap. See Substitutes.

Membership consists of signing up for a 10 week Tournament. See Membership.





www.oakmontlanes.com and Oakmont Lanes Club

Sponsored by Scott Harris    email



Up Coming Events

We will bowl the first, second and Third Tuesdays of every month at the East Rec Center (No Bowling the Fourth Tuesday). We do bowl on Fifth Tuesdays. 

NOTE:  We will start our Winter League 2025  on Tue Jan  7th at the East Recreation Center  with all 10 Teams starting at 2pm and finishing approx 3:30pm.

Anyone interested in joining our Club, please call Terry Leuthner, 707 291-3023, or stop by the East Rec Center on Tuesdays between 2pm and


11/19/24:       Fall League Team Champion - 2pm.

                      Top 6 Teams: (1) Tie: High Rollers and Pocket Hits,

                                            (3) Pin Pushers, (4) Alley Oops,

                                            (5) Tie: 4 Tops and King Pins.

                                            (7)  Strikers, (8) Wii Four, (9) Phantom Strikers.

12/03/24:        Fall League Team Championship Playoffs - 2pm.

                                             (1) Pin Pushers, (2) High Rollers, (3) 4 Tops,

                                             (4) Pocket Hits, (5) King Pins, (6) Alley Oops.

02/11/25:       Week #5 - Winter League, Valentines Day Challenge).

02/18/25:       Week #6 - Winter League.

02/25/25:       No Bowling - Fourth Tuesday.

03/04/25:       Week #7 - Winter League.

03/11/25:       Week #8 - Winter League.

03/18/25:       Week #9 - Winter League, St. Patrick's Challenge.

03/25/25:       No Bowling - Fourth Tuesday.

04/01/25:       Week #10 - Winter League, Final.

04/08/25:       Playoffs - Top 6 Teams at 2pm.

04/15/25:       Week #1 - Summer League, Easter Challenge.

                   Fall League 2024-Final Results

                  Halloween Challenge.


                              Terry's 2024 Train & Village Display

                              Terry's 2024 House Display


9th Annual BOWL-A-THON                              


        Saturday Oct 22, 2022 11:00am to 3:00pm

                                    Chops Team Club                                                                                                   

509 Adams Street  (corner of Adams  &  6th St)                                                                        Santa Rosa, CA.

View Bowl-A-Thon Video 2017

On-Line Registration

On-Line Silent Auction will open Oct 22, 2022 at 11am.


On June 20, 2015, the Kiwanis Club of Oakmont at their Division 32 meeting at Charlie's Grill in Windsor, California  presented the Distinguished Service Award to Oakmont Lanes Wii Bowling Club  in recognition of service rendered to the community. The service being our Annual Charity Wii Bowl-A-Thon Tournament, now in our 5th year.

To all our volunteers who made this event so successful which allowed our Club to receive this distinguished award,


Terry Leuthner



                                                 300 Club

     Ray Dallara - 7/14/09             Bruce Price - 11/10/09

   Carolyn Mack - 6/01/10         Helen Herbert - 11/01/11

 Jan Blackburn - 08/21/12        Mollie Atkinson - 07/02/13

Germaine Byrne - 08/20/13  Robin Schudel - 05/06/14

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Don Shelhart - 05/19/15            Joanne Abrams - 04/11/17

                                                                      300 CLUB

07/14/09 - Ray Dallara bowls his 1st 300 game.

11/10/09 - Bruce Price bowls his 1st 300 game.

12/01/09 - Bruce Price bowls his 2nd 300 game.

01/19/10 - Bruce Price bowls his 3rd 300 game.

05/18/10 - Bruce Price bowling as Sub bowls his 4th 300


06/01/10 - Carolyn Mack bowls her 1st 300 game.

06/01/10 - Bruce Price bowling as Sub bowls his 5th

           and 6th 300 game.

06/01/10 - Bruce Price bowls his 7th & 8th 300.

06/29/10 - Bruce Price bowls his 9th 300 game.

08/03/10 - Bruce Price bowls his 10th 300 game.

08/10/10 - Bruce Price bowls his 11th 300 game.

09/21/10 - Bruce Price bowls his 12th 300 game.

10/05/10 - Bruce Price bowls his 13th 300 game.

10/12/10 - Carolyn Mack bowls her 2nd 300 game.

11/30/10 - Bruce Price bowls his 14th 300 game.

04/12/11 - Bruce Price bowls his 15th 300 game.

05/10/11 - Bruce Price bowls his 16th 300 game.

06/14/11 - Bruce Price bowls his 17th 300 game.

07/12/11 - Bruce Price bowls his 18th 300 game.

08/02/11 - Bruce Price - 19th & 20th 300 games.

09/06/11 - Bruce Price bowls his 21st 300 game.

09/20/11 - Kathryn Miller bowls her 1st 300 game.

10/11/11 - Bruce Price bowls 3 perfect 300 games

           in a row. That's a 900 series and gives

           Bruce a total of 24 perfect 300 games.

11/01/11 - Helen Herbert bowls her 1st 300 game.

11/01/11 - Bruce Price bowls his 25th 300 game.

11/15/11 - Bruce Price bowls his 26th & 27th 300.

12/06/11 - Gordon Freedman bowls 1st 300 game.

12/06/11 - Bruce Price bowls his 28th & 29th 300.

01/10/12 - Bruce Price bowls his 30th & 31st 300.

01/17/12 - Bruce Price bowls his 32nd & 33rd 300.

02/07/12 - Bruce Price bowls his 34th 300 game.

02/21/12 - Helen Herbert bowls her 2nd 300 game.

05/01/12 - Bruce Price bowls his 35th 300 game

           during Winter League playoffs.

05/15/12 - Kathryn Miller bowls her 2nd 300 game.

05/29/12 - Bruce Price bowls his 36th 300 game.

07/03/12 - Bruce Price bowls his 37th 300 game.

07/10/12 - Sue Bowman bowls her 1st 300 game.

07/10/12 - Bruce Price bowls his 38th 300 game.

07/17/12 - Bruce Price bowls his 39th 300 game.

08/21/12 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 1st 300 game.

09/04/12 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 2nd 300 game.

09/04/12 - Kathryn Miller bowls her 3rd 300 game.

10/09/12 - Bruce Price bowls his 40th 300 game.

12/04/12 - Kathryn Miller bowls her 4th 300 game.

02/05/13 - Kathryn Miller bowls her 5th & 6th 300.

04/09/13 - Sandy Osheroff bowls her 1st 300 game.

04/30/13 - Kathryn Miller bowls her 7th 300 game.

05/14/13 - Kathryn Miller bowls her 8th 300 game.

05/21/13 - Kathryn Miller bowls her 9th 300 game.

07/02/13 - Mollie Atkinson bowls her 1st 300 game.

07/09/13 - Kathryn Miller bowls her 10th 300 game.

07/16/13 - Kathryn Miller bowls her 11th 300 game.

07/16/13 - Mollie Atkinson bowls her 2nd 300 game.

07/30/13 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 3rd 300 game.

08/20/13 - Germaine Byrne bowls her 1st and 2nd 300 game.

10/01/13 - Bruce Price bowls his 41st 300 game.

10/08/13 - Germaine Byrne bowls her 3rd 300 game.

10/08/13 - Bruce Price bowls his 42nd & 43rd 300 game.

11/12/13 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 4th 300 game.

11/12/13 - Bruce Price bowls his 44th 300 game.

01/21/14 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 5th 300 game.

03/11/14 - Bruce Price bowls his 45th 300 game.

04/29/14 - Bruce Price bowls his 46th and 47th 300.

05/06/14 - Robin Schudel bowls her 1st 300 game.

05/06/14 - Bruce Price bowls his 48th 300 game.

06/17/14 - Diane Price bowls her 1st 300 game.

06/17/14 - Bruce Price bowls his 49th 300 game.

07/08/14 - Bruce Price bowls his 50th 300 game.

07/15/14 - Bruce Price bowls his 51st 300 game.

07/29/14 - Germaine Byrne bowls her 4th & 5th 300.

08/12/14 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 6th & 7th 300.

08/19/14 - Bruce Price bowls his 52nd 300 game.

09/02/14 - Bruce Price bowls his 53rd 300 game.

12/02/14 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 8th 300 game.

01/06/15 - Diane Price bowls her 2nd 300 game.

03/10/15 - Germaine Byrne bowls her 6th 300 game.

03/10/15 - Bruce Price bowls his 54th 300 game.

04/21/15 - Robin Schudel bowls her 2nd 300 game.

04/21/15 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 9th 300 game.

05/05/15 - Germaine Byrne bowls her 7th 300 game.

05/05/15 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 10th 300 game.

05/19/15 - Don Shelhart bowls his 1st 300 game.

06/02/15 - Maurine Bennett bowls her 1st 300 game.

06/09/15 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 11th 300 game.

06/30/15 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 12th 300 game.

07/21/15 - Germaine Byrne bowls her 8th and 9th 300 game.

07/21/15 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 13th 300 game.

08/04/15 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 14th 300 game.

08/11/15 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 15th 300 game.

09/29/15 - Robin Schudel bowls her 3rd 300 game.

10/13/15 - Sandy Osheroff bowls her 2nd 300 game.

10/13/15 - Kathryn Miller bowls her 12th 300 game.

10/13/15 - Don Shelhart bowls his 2nd 300 game.

01/05/16 - Sandy Osheroff bowls her 3rd 300 game.

           First 300 game of the year!

03/01/16 - Bruce Price bowls his 55th 300 game.

07/19/16 - Don Shelhart bowls his 3rd 300 game.

09/06/16 - Robin Schudel bowls her 4th & 5th 300.

09/06/16 - Maurine Bennett bowls her 2nd & 3rd 300 game.

01/10/17 - Sandy Osheroff bowls her 4th 300 game.

01/10/17 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 16th 300 game.

04/11/17 - Joanne Abrams bowls her first 300 game.

07/11/17 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 2nd 300 game.

08/08/17 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 17th 300 game.

09/05/17 - Jan Blackburn bowls her 18th 300 game.

09/12/17 - Robin Schudel bowls her 6th 300 game.

09/12/17 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 3rd 300 game.

09/19/17 - Robin Schudel bowls her 7th 300 game.

11/14/17 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 4th 300 game.

12/05/17 - Sandy Osheroff bowls her 5th 300 game.

01/16/18 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 5th & 6th 300.

01/30/18 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 7th 300 game.

01/30/18 - Sandy Osheroff bowls her 6th 300 game.

01/30/18 - Diane Price bowls her 3rd 300 game.

02/06/18 - Don Shelhart bowls his 4th 300 game.

02/20/18 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 8, 9 & 10th 300 games.

03/06/18 - Peggy Ensley bowls her 1st 300 game.

           Congratulations Peggy.

03/06/18 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 11th & 12th 300.

03/13/18 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 13th & 14th 300.

03/13/18-  Jan Blackburn bowls her 19th 300 game.

03/20/18 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 15th & 16th 300.

04/03/18 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 17th 300 game.

04/10/18 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 18th 300 game.

05/08/18 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 19th 300 game.

05/15/18 - Sandy Osheroff bowls her 7th 300 game.

06/12/18 - Sandy Osheroff bowls her 8th 300 game.

07/17/18 - Robin Schudel bowls her 8th 300 game.

08/14/18 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 20th 300 game.

09/11/18 - Robin Schudel bowls her 9th 300 game.

10/23/18 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 21st 300 game.

10/23/18 - Robin Schudel bowls her 10th 300 game.

11/13/18 - Don Shelhart bowls his 5th 300 game.

01/29/19 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 22nd 300 game.

04/02/19 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 23rd 300 game.

04/09/19 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 24th 300 game.

04/30/19 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 25th 300 game.

05/28/19 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 26th 300 game.

07/02/19 - Vickie Jackanich bowls her 1st 300 game.

08/13/19 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 27th 300 game.

08/20/19 - Vickie Jackanich bowls her 2nd 300 game.

09/03/19 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 28th 300 game.

09/03/19 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 29th 300 game.

09/10/19 - Vickie Jackanich bowls her 3rd 300 game.

10/01/19 - Robin Schudel bowls her 11th 300 game.

10/08/19 - Sandy Osheroff bowls her 9th 300 game.

11/19/19 - Ray Haverson bowls his 1st 300 game.

11/19/19 - Sandy Osheroff bowls her 10th 300 game.

12/03/19 - Don Shelhart bowls his 6th 300 game.

12/03/19 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 30th 300 game.

12/03/19 - Ray Haverson bowls his 2nd 300 game.

01/07/20 - Robin Schudel bowls her 12th 300 game.

01/07/20 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 31st 300 game.

01/14/20 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 32nd 300 game.

01/14/20 - Maurine Bennett bowls her 4th 300 game.

01/21/20 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 33rd 300 game.

01/21/20 - Maurine Bennett bowls her 5th 300 game.

01/21/20 - Ray Haverson bowls his 3rd 300 game.

02/04/20 - Don Shelhart bowls his 7th 300 game.

02/11/20 - Peggy Ensley bowls her 2nd 300 game.

03/10/20 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 34th & 35th  300 games.

06/29/21 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 36th 300 game.

07/06/21 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 37th & 38th  300 games.

07/13/21 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 39th 300 game.

08/03/21 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 40, 41 & 42nd 300 games.

           perfect 900 series.

08/10/21 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 43rd & 44th 300 games.

08/17/21 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 45, 46 & 47th 300 games.

08/31/21 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 48 & 49th 300 games.

09/07/21 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 50th 300 game.

09/21/21 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 51st & 52nd 300 games.

10/05/21 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 53rd & 54th 300 game.

10/19/21 - Robin Schudel bowls her 13th 300 game.

10/19/21 - Valerie Hulsey bowls her 1st 300 game.

11/09/21 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 55th 300 game.

11/09/21 - Sandy Osheroff bowls her 11th 300 game.

11/16/21 - Don Shelhart bowls his 8th 300 game.

11/16/21 - Robin Schudel bowls her 14th 300 game.

12/07/21 - Peggy Ensley bowls her 3rd 300 game.

03/01/22 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 57th 300 game.

03/08/22 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 58th 300 game.

03/15/22 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 59th 300 game.

03/29/22 - Robin Schudel bowls her 15th 300 game.

03/29/22 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 60th 300 game.

04/05/22 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 61st 300 game.

04/12/22 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 62, 63 & 64th 300 games.

           2nd perfect 900 series. 1:30 League.

04/12/22 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 65th 300 game.

           3:15 League.

05/03/22 - Sandy Osheroff Bowls her 12th 300 game.

05/31/22 - Ray Haverson bowls his 4th and 5th 300 game.

06/14/22 - Don Shelhart bowls his 9th 300 game.

06/21/22 - Don Shelhart bowls his 10th 300 game.

07/05/22 - Robin Schudel bowls her 16th 300 game.

07/12/22 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 66th and 67th 300 game.

08/09/22 - Robin Schudel bowls her 67th 300 game.

08/09/22 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 68th 300 game.

09/13/22 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 69, 70, 71 & 72nd game

           during Summer League Playoffs.

09/13/22 - Robin Schudel bowls her 18th 300 game

           during Summer League Playoffs.

10/04/22 - Don Shelhart bowls his 11th 300 game.

11/01/22 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 73 & 74 300 game.

11/15/22 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 75th 300 game.

01/31/23 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 76th 300 game.

01/31/23 - Sandy Osheroff bowls her 13th 300 game.

02/14/23 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 77th 300 game.

02/21/23 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 78th 300 game.

03/07/23 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 79th 300 game.

03/07/23 - Peggy Ensley bowls her 4th 300 game.

03/21/23 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 80th 300 game.

04/11/23 - Peggy Ensley bowls her 5th 300 game.

04/11/23 - Don Shelhart bowls his 12th 300 game.

05/02/23 - Joanne Abrams bowls 81st, 82nd, 83rd 300.

06/06/23 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 84th 300.

06/13/23 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 85th 300.

06/20/23 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 86th 300.

07/11/23 - Robin Schudel bowls her 19th 300.

07/18/23 - Don Shelhart bowls his 13th 300.

08/08/23 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 87th 300.

08/15/23 - Charlie Ensley bowls his 1st 300 game.

           Congratulations Charlie!

08/29/23 - Scott Harris bowls his 1st 300 game.

           Congratulations Scott!

09/05/23 - Don Shelhart bowls his 14th 300.

09/19/23 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 88th 300.

10/10/23 - Don Shelhart bowls his 15th 300.

01/16/24 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 89th 300.

02/20/24 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 90th 300.

05/07/24 - Joanne Abrams bowls her 92nd 300.


Latest News: See Announcements.