We will start the Summer 2024 League on May 7th. We will bowl all 10 Teams at 2pm at the East Rec.
Jul 2 , 2024: July 4th Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 4th and 7th frames (July 4, 7/4) to win
a $5 gift certificate to Safeway. Winners are:
2pm League: Rhonda D'Agostini, Gordon Freedman, Jeanne Harden, Vickie Jackanich, Sandy Osheroff, Karen Palmiotti, Diane Price,
Frank Schepergerdes, Don Shelhart, Larry Souza,.
May 27 , 2024: Memorial Day Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 2nd and 7th frames (Memorial Day 5/27) to win
a $5 gift certificate to Safeway. Winners are:
2pm League: Mike Apicella, Carolita Carr, Peggy Ensley, Gordon Freedman, Juan Fuentes, Scott Harris, Barbara Koch, Elisabeth LaPointe,
Sandy Osheroff, Karen Palmiotti, Diane Price, Pat Scott, Don Shelhart, Larry Souza,
May 7 , 2024: Cinco de Mayo Day Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 5th and 10th frames (Cinco de Mayo 5/5) to win
a $5 gift certificate to Safeway. Winners are:
2pm League: Joanne Abrams, Richard Adamczyk, Carolita Carr, Rhonda D'Agostini, Asia Delgado, Peggy Ensley, Glenn Hewitt,
Valerie Hulsey, Vickie Jackanich, Felicia Laden, Elisabeth LaPointe, Sandy Osheroff, Diane Price, Nicole Reed, Pat Scott.
Mar 19, 2024: St. Patrick's Day Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 1st and 7th frames (St. Patrick's Day 3/17) to win
a $5 gift certificate to Safeway. Winners are:
2pm League: Joanne Abrams, Rhonda D'Agostini, Euroasia Delgado, Jeanne Harden, Glenn Hewitt, Valerie Hulsey, Felicia Laden,
Shirley Jamison, Sandy Osheroff, Karen Palmiotti, Diane Price, Nicole Reed, Robin Schudel, Beverly Shelhart.
Feb 13, 2024: Valentine's Day Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 1st and 4th frames (Valentines Day 2/14) to win
a $5 gift certificate to Safeway. Winners are:
2pm League: Joanne Abrams, Charlie Ensley, Scott Harris, Valerie Hulsey, Barbara Koch, Terry Leuthner, Sandy Osheroff, Diane Price,
Karen Palmiotti.
Sep 5, 2023: Labor Day Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 4th and 9th frames (Labor Day 9/4) to win
a $5 gift certificate to Safeway. Winners are:
1:30 League: Joanne Abrams ,Asia Delgado, Sandy Osheroff, Don Shelhart.
3:15 League: Joanne Abrams, Carolita Carr, Rhonda D'Agostini, Scott Harris, Valerie Hulsey, Vicike Jackanich,
Sandy Osheroff, Nicole Reed.
July 11, 2023: July 4th Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 4th and 7th frames (July 4th 7/4) to win
a $5 gift certificate to Safeway. Winners are:
1:30 League: Joanne Abrams, Asia Delgado, Peggy Ensley, Gordon Freedman, Elisabeth LaPointe, Sandy Osheroff,
Robin Schudel, Don Shelhart.
3:15 League: Joanne Abrams, Rhonda D'Agostini, Valerie Hulsey, Vickie Jackanich, Terry Leuthner, Marilyn Levene,
Sandy Osheroff, Frank Schepergerdes, Larry Souza,
May 30, 2023: Memorial Day Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 2nd and 9th frames (Memorial Day 5/29) to win
a $5 gift certificate to Safeway. Winners are;
1:30 League: Asia Delgado, Sandy Osheroff, Frank Schepergerdes, Robin Schudel.
3:15 League: Carolita Carr, Dave Handbury, Scott Harris, Ray Haverson, Valerie Hulsey.
May 2, 2023: Cinco de Mayo Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 5th and first ball of the 10th frames ( Cinco de Mayo 5/5) to win
a $5 gift certificate to Safeway. Winners are:
1:30 League: Joanne Abrams, Laurel Earles, Charlie Ensley, Peggy Ensley, Sandy Osheroff, Diane Price, Frank Schepergerdes.
3:15 League: Joanne Abrams, Scott Harris, Valerie Hulsey, Vickie Jackanich.
Apr 4, 2023: Easter Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 4th and 9th frames (Easter Day 4/9) to win a $5 gift certificate to Safeway.
Winners are:
1:30 League: Joanne Abrams, Peggy Ensley, Juan Fuentes, Robin Schudel, Beverly Shelhart, Don Shelhart, Sandy Osheroff.
3:15 League: Scott Harris, Ray Haverson, Nicole Reed.
Mar 14, 2023: St. Patrick's Day Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 1st, 3rd and 7th frames (St.Patrick's Day 3/17) to win a $5 gift certificate
to Safeway. Winners are:
1:30 League: Joanne Abrams, Richard Adamczyk, Charlie Ensley, Peggy Ensley, Glen Hewitt, Sandy Osheroff.
3:15 League: Scott Harris, Vickie Hulsey.
Feb 14, 2023: Valentine's Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 2nd and 8th frames (Valentine's day 14x2) to win a $5 gift certificate to Safeway.
Winners are:
1:30 League: Joanne Abrams, Peggy Ensley, Juan Fuentes, Glenn Hewitt, Shirley Jamison, Sandy Osheroff, Diane Price, Beverly Shelhart.
3:15 League: Scott Harris, Valerie Hulsey, Barbara Koch, Sandy Osheroff, Pat Tighe.
Nov 15,2022: Thanksgiving Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 2nd and 4th frames (Thanksgiving Day 24th) to win a $5 gift certificate to Safeway.
Winners are:
1:30 League: Joanne Abrams; Bonnie Andersen; Dave Handbury; Shirley Jamison; Elisabeth LaPointe; Don Shelhart.
3:15 League: Joanne Abrams; Scott Harris; Ray Haverson; Valerie Hulsey; Vickie Jackanich; Terry Leuthner.
Sep 6, 2022: Labor Day Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 2nd, 5th and 9th frames (Labor Day 9/5/22) to win a $5 gift certificate to Safeway.
Winners are:
1:30 League, Joanne Abrams, Juan Fuentes, Sandy Osheroff, Terry Leuthner, Don Shelhart, Robin Schudel.
3:15 League, Joanne Abrams; Ray Haverson; Valerie Hulsey; Vicki Jackanich; Terry Leuthner; Nicole Reed; Frank Schepergerdes,.
Jul 5, 2022: July 4th Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 4th and 7th frames, (4th of July 7/4) to win a $5 gift certificate to Safeway.
Winners are:
1:30 League, Joanne Abrams; Donnarose Iledki; Robin Schudel; Sandy Osheroff;.
3:15 League, Joanne Abrams; Bonnie Andersen; Ray Haverson; Valerie Hulsey; Sandy Osheroff;
Apr 12, 2022: Easter Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 1st, 4th and 7th frames, (Easter 4/17) to win a $5 gift certificate to Safeway.
Winners are:
1:30 League, Joanne Abrams; Peggy Ensley; Shirley Jamison; Larry Lazzarini; Sandy Osheroff; Robin Schudel.
3:15 League, Joanne Abrams; Valerie Hulsey; Vickie Jackanich.
Apr 5, 2022: April Fools' Day Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 1st, 4th and 6th frames, (April Fools' Day 4/1) to win a $5 gift certificate to Safeway.
Winners are:
1:30pm League, Joanne Abrams; Charlie Ensley: Sandy Osheroff; Diane Price; Robin Schudel.
3:15pm League, Joanne Abrams; Barbara Ford: Valerie Hulsey; Vickie Jackanich.
Mar 15, 2022: St Patrick's Day Challenge where a bowler must bowl a strike in the 1St, 3rd and 7th frames, (St Patrick's Day Mar 17th) to win a $5 gift certificate to Safeway.
Winners are:
1:30pm League, Joanne Abrams; Charlie Ensley; Diane Price; Vicki Robinson and Robin Schudel.
3:15pm League, Joanne Abrams; Ray Haverson; Valerie Hulsey; Vickie Jackanich and Elisabeth LaPointe.