Find Your Topic

Begin with your own interests. Do you like cooking? Do you like nature? Are you interested in how kids get along with each other? Have you ever wondered if a brand of product you use works better than its competitors? What do YOU wonder about? 

You will have the most fun doing a science fair project if the topic is something that interests you!

For your topic, you need two things:

When coming up with your question, make sure you can use the scientific method to run experiments that test if your hypothesis is correct. What is the "scientific method"? It's the process that all scientists use to make discoveries

Tip: When using the scientific method, the best questions allow you to change one variable (a factor, a trait, or a condition) and measure the impact of that change. For example, how does [changing something] affect [what you're measuring]? Some examples of questions that can be tested via the scientific method are listed below. Perhaps some of these ideas will help you think of questions you would like to investigate.

Ideas: Questions you can test

More ideas: Online lists

Here are some websites that can give you lots of ideas about projects.