Fall 2013
27 | Robert Guralnik, University of Southern California
Strongly Dense Free Subgroups of Algebraic Groups
04 | Gilbert Baumslag, The City College of New York/CUNY
Residual Properties of Groups Defined by Basic Commutators
11 | Olga Kharlampovich, Hunter College/CUNY
Right-angled Artin Groups in Topology and Group Theory
18 | Jason Behrstock, Lehman College/CUNY
Polynomial Divergence and Thick Groups
25 | Svetla Vassileva, McGill University
Logarithmic Space Complexity of Conjugacy Problems
01 | Ki Hyoung Ko, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
When Does a Graph Braid of Index 4 or Higher Become a Right-angled Artin group?
08 | Laura Ciobanu, University of Neuchâtel
Relatively Hyperbolic Groups with the Falsification by Fellow Traveller Property
15 | Tim Riley, Cornell University
22 | Jason Manning, SUNY Buffalo
A New Proof of Wise's Malnormal Special Quotient Theorem
06 | Algebra Day, The Graduate Center/CUNY
Seminars take place Fridays at 4pm.
The Graduate Center
City University of New York
Dept. of Mathematics, Room 5417
365 Fifth Avenue at 34th Street
New York NY 10016