
My broad daily management and leadership responsibilities include, inter alia, the following tasks:

To contact me, e.g., in issues related to running Statistics and studies at the UTU, see contact details below

Institutional responsibilities

My position and everyday work matters and responsibilities are largely related to heading Statistics (as the head of discipline) and the Turku Center of Statistics. I am also the vice head of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics

For the students at the UTU: If you have any questions concerning your statistics studies, please do not hesitate to contact me (

The Statistics discipline organizes the activities of the Turku Center of Statistics, an expert body promoting cooperation in research and teaching of statistical methods between disciplines at the UTU. We organize research seminars and other meetings to strive to improve cooperation between different fields of science around statistical methods.

Official mentor

I am the Mentor for two (tenure track) assistant professors in Statistics:

  • Assistant Professor (Statistics) Janne Kujala

  • Assistant Professor (Statistics) and Academy Research Fellow Joni Virta

As appointed by the Faculty of Science, each assistant & associate professor are assigned a mentor. Mentor is responsible for agreeing personal goals and career path, monitoring their progress (research, teaching and other activities) and launching assessments of assistant professor moving to the associate level and the position of tenured professor.

Board and committee memberships

PhD supervisor and Research director

  • Currently main PhD supervisor for 2 PhD students in econometrics (see and one in statistics. I have already supervised 3 PhD graduates, acted as the PhD thesis opponent 2 times and 2 times the pre-examiner of PhD thesis manuscripts. See details in PhD education and my CV.

  • Research Director for all (currently 7) PhD students in Statistics. The duties of the research director are:

  • To monitor the progress of the research work and postgraduate studies annually in collaboration with the supervisor

  • To assume responsibility for the scientific level of the degree

  • To ensure that the necessary conditions for the studies are maintained;

  • To accept the first personal study plan of a postgraduate student and the application for the final grade of the postgraduate studies module. The research director ensures that the required learning outcomes of postgraduate studies are achieved with the completed postgraduate studies and thesis work

  • To ensure that the thesis as a whole meets the requirements regarding the extent of a doctoral thesis

  • To make a proposal for the examiners of a licentiate thesis or the pre-examiners, opponent and chairperson (custos) of a doctoral thesis

  • To provide the faculty with a statement approved by the supervisor, research director and student indicating the author’s contribution to the research if the thesis contains joint publications. The statement must also tell whether a part of the thesis has earlier been used in another thesis or if such use is being planned

  • To ensure that the intended final version of the licentiate or doctoral thesis is delivered to the faculty at the same time as the proposal for pre-examiners

  • To ensure that the intended final version of the licentiate or doctoral thesis is delivered to the examiners by the student, supervisor or research director immediately after their appointment

  • To ensure that the doctoral thesis is delivered to the opponent by the student, supervisor or research director immediately after the opponent has been appointed

  • To help solve possible cases of disagreement in supervision

Member of Management Committee

COST Action CA21163 - Text, functional and other high-dimensional data in econometrics: New models, methods, applications (HiTEc)

A COST Action is an interdisciplinary research network that brings researchers and innovators together to investigate a topic of their choice for 4 years.

Summary of CA21163: This Action will integrate cutting-edge analytic developments involving innovative sources of information, such as text, functions, perceptions or imprecise data, in econometrics. High-dimensional, complex and unstructured economic datasets cannot be fully exploited hitherto by the existing methodologies. An international network of experts, spanning the disciplines of econometrics, mathematics, statistics and computer science, will be created, with the aim of establishing and implementing new efficient inferential procedures for using such information in econometric modelling and forecasting...

Project website