corpus & queries

* Please confirm Task User Agreement with NTCIR.

[J] Japanese search

Data samples of Rakuten Recipe are presented at:

(Please visit the URL, see the lower part of the page,

and click on the light blue buttons.)

To have a look at the actual recipe data and search topics,

you must have a data agreement with Rakuten.

[IMPORTANT] If you haven't yet started the agreement process,

please start with the application procedure ASAP.

If you already initiated the application procedure,

please contact Michiko Yasukawa (michi [at]

and request the search topics.

You can write messages to her in either English or Japanese.

Once TOs make sure that you are allowed to access

to Rakuten Recipe, you will receive the search topics.

[E] English search

Data and search topics will be provided by Yummly.

Data sample is presented at:

(For each recipe, "recipe name/title" and "ingredientLines" are mainly used for the English search task. Other attributes are not always provided depending on the recipe data. )

1) agreement:

[PROCEDURE] Please sign the agreement, scan it, and email it to Gregory Druck (greg [at] He gives you a username and password that provides access to the url with the data, where you can download it.

2) The recipes and queries will be provided at: