
[NOTICE] For participating the RecipeSearch task,

you need to agree to the following conditions.

Your research data

Once your research data (including such as a list of ranked documents, etc.)

is submitted to the Task Organizers (TOs), the submitted data will be shared by the task participants

for building the NTCIR-11 Cooking Recipe Search Task Test Collection.

Disclose of your research data

It is important that our Test Collection will become widely available after the task.

The Test Collection that contains your submitted data will be made available for research purpose use

under the conditions of the data agreement.

Your obligation in the task

For building the Japanese segment of Test Collection,

you need to follow the data agreement, which your organization and Rakuten concluded.

(See )

For building the English segment of Test Collection,

you need to follow the data agreement, which your organization and Yummly concluded.

(See )

Relevance assessment

For building the Test Collection in the task,

the relevance assessment will be performed by TOs and participants.

You may employ students to do this work.

Agreement with NTCIR

"Task user agreement" for RecipeSearch is currently in process of preparation at NTCIR office.

After you complete registration process,

please fill out the following text, and send it to Michiko Yasukawa (michi [at]

========== Task User Agreement with NTCIR ==========

For using the NTCIR-11 RecipeSearch evaluation data, I agree with the following conditions.

1. At least one person from my participating group will attend in the NTCIR-11 conference.

2. My participating group will submit research reports (including participant paper, poster presentation, and oral presentation) by the deadline.

3. I share my participating group's runs with other participating groups in the task.

4. After the NTCIR-11, I will allow NII/NTCIR to provide my participating groups's runs for research purpose.

5. My participating goup excludes infringe on the third party's right, such as disparagement.

6. When the official printing version of memorandum "Task user agreement" is ready, I will send it as soon as possible.

Affiliation: ______________

Name: ______________

Date: ______________


[Read the above agreement in Japanese (日本語)]