Introduction of insects (and others) that I am interested in!

Stick insects

Stick insects on my fist: they show several reproductive strategies including parthenogenesis

Stick insects in "Risshi Sen-chu-fu (栗氏千虫譜)", an illustrated encyclopedia of insects from the Edo period (18--) (interestingly, they were believed to be poisonous monsters!)

National Diet Library, Japan

Termites, and their queens

Termites are social insects... "Queens" are highly specialized into reproduction (so huge ovaries and so many ovarioles!)

Inside the nest of termite: workers, soldiers and queens

Termite alates in "Risshi Sen-chu-fu (栗氏千虫譜)". It was believed that they would all die!

National Diet Library, Japan


Aphids: small but familiar, sap-sucking insects. While aphids are serious pests, they are a model for studying symbiotic relationships.

Aphid in "Kenbikyo-mushi-no-zu (顯微鏡虫之圖)" from Edo period (1860).

National Institute of Japanese Literature

Planthoppers, web-spinners and more...