St. Anne's


The above image came from the Flin Flon Heritage Site which takes us back to 1934.

The above image was once a postcard showing the Catholic and Parsonage on Church Street.

This image was taken in 1958 by myself with my first camera which I purchased from Len Gunston of Gunstons Studio and Camera Supplies located on 74 Main St. Len would sell me a roll of film, give me a piece of paper with some instructions on it on how to set my camera and away I would go. I walked around town and took pictures which I am glad I did now, as it shows how Flin Flon has changed.

This image is a prime example of change. St. Anne's church no longer exists on this location. It has been replaced with the Personal Care Home which is attached to our existing hospital. The entrance to the hospital is no longer on the north side but has been moved to the south side.

This image also goes back to 1958 which shows the entrance to the Flin Flon General Hospital ,and at that time, across the road from the church was the parsonage, which was also removed to make room for the Personal Care Home.

This image shows a small chapel which were used by the Order of the Grey Nuns who were the operators of our hospital until 1971, when it came under jurisdiction.

This image shows St. Maurice Roche HighSchool in 1958. In the background you will see St. Paul's Church which was built in 1956. Behind the school there was a residence for the Sisters who were the teachers at St. Maurice Roche High School. This school was named in honor of Sir Maurice Roche who was a major contributor to this project.

This shows an image of St. Paul's which was built in 1956 in conjunction with SMR and teachers residence.

This image shows the interior of St. Paul's Church. This was a beautiful little church which unfortunately could not meet the needs of a growing congregation, therefore it was demolished when the St. Anne's Church from uptown was relocated in the SMR school structure, and became what we know today as St. Anne's Church.

This image shows St. Anne's Church as we know it today. The roof on the structure was changed from a flat roof to a roof with a pitch. Flat roofs in our climate don't seem to be a wise choice. St. Anne's today is a very nice structure and is the largest church in our community.

This image shows, the residence of the teaching staff for SMR. At the closing of SMR, and the tearing down of St. Paul's, and the moving of St. Anne's from uptown, this building became the parsonage for what is now St. Anne's Parish.

This image shows St. Anne's as we know it today, and when one looks back, and remembers it as a gymnasium where yearly New Years parties were conducted by the Knights of Columbus, and you danced here, and today you worship here. This is definitely a corner stone in our community.

This image shows the main aisle leading to the alter of St. Anne's Church. This brings happy thoughts to my mind when I think of weddings, and new beginnings. It also brings a tear to my eye when I think of lost family and friends. I believe that this structure has touched almost everyone at one time or another in our community. We wish it well and know it will continue to serve our community.