Main Street 4



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In 1958 showing a house next to Woolworths which in latter years became a Law office operated by Michael Bomek, then later becoming a Cash Store. Now this structure has been dismantled and the lot is vacant.

This shows an image taken from Flin Flon's Visual History book in the year 1949, the original home of The Daily Reminder paper which was on North Avenue. They operated in this location for a number of years, then moving to a new location next to the Credit Union.

Tommy Dobson owned and operated The Daily Reminder for a good number of years until he retired, at which time he sold the business to Rich Billy and Randy Daneliuk who became partners in the operation of this daily paper. After a number of years, Rich Billy retired and Randy Daneliuk carried on, on his own. He then moved back to North Avenue to an old structure which was once Hudson Bay Plumbing, and now has been demolished, and the Reminder has moved to a new location, still on North Avenue.

The structure in this image was once Flin Flon's first laundromat, owned and operated by Orville Thompson, then reverted back to a electrical business operated by Orville's son Gordon and Earl Lister, employed as an electrician. This structure was then sold to Randy Daneliuk who moved the business from the old Hudson Bay Plumbing to the new location pictured above. The Reminder still publishes Wednesdays and Fridays only and is still a valued asset to our community. It is no longer owned and operated by Daneliuk but owned by a small newspaper chain.

The above image comes from the Flin Flon Visual History book showing the office of the Flin Flon Daily Miner which was Flin Flon's first paper, and it closed on February 11, 1966. Harry Miles was the editor of the Flin Flon Daily Miner, and upon its closing, Harry took a job with HBM&S as editor of the Northern Lights magazine that was a long time publication, which he held until his retirement.

This image shows The Main Frame Hairstudio which has been a long time part of Main Street. This business was once housed in what was known as the Singer Sewing Centre which shared a building with Club News. When fire struck, four businesses including The Mane Frame either had to close down or look for a new home. They took up residence next to The Daily Reminder where they still remain today.

Modern Barbershop was operated by John Berkatsky for a good number of years. John has now given up barbering and is retired. The structure next to the barbershop once housed a restaurant known as Crepes & Grapes and they made great cinnamon buns, however unfortunately in the spring of 2015, fire destroyed the business.

Next to this little restaurant, there is another long time structure on Main Street known as Lockharts Insurance. There was also an accounting business ran out of here, and in latter years was taken over by Jack's Computer which closed down due to ill health and the building today, remains vacant.

Flin Flon's Xmas tree 1958. On the right side shows Lockharts Insurance and on the left side shows Royal Billiards which was owned and operated by Andy Kornechuk. I watched Bill Cantrell play pool here against Johnny Bear, and they both knew how to handle a cue. In latter years Andy sold the business to a gentleman by the name of Dobrohorsky. He operated this for a number of years, then selling it to John Perpeluk, and later the building was purchased by a Law Firm.

This image is taken from the Flin Flon Visual History book, shows HBM&S offering another service to our community which helped to make it a great place to live. The erection of the Xmas tree was always a big event. Today Main Street in Flin Flon is classified as part of No. 10 Highway so legally obstructions such as Xmas trees don't go well with todays truck traffic.

This building was once the Royal Billiards, today houses a Law Firm of Ginnell, Bauman & Watt.

This image shows what was once the home of Simpson Sears, later becoming the home of Sears. When I think back to these days, names of certain individuals come to mind, such as Phil Einarson who was manager, Jack Stevens who went onto operating his own business in the town of Creighton known as Creighton Hardware and today known as Creighton Furniture, and today operated by sons Tom, David and daughter Sharon. Also Jack Willis who was employed by HBM&S for a number of years, then worked for Sears for a great length of time and also very active instructor in the 302 Air Cadet Squadron.

After Sears closed the retail outlet at this location, moved across from the Sorenson block and opened a catalogue division only for a number of years until they closed. Today, the old Sears building has housed a number of small businesses such as Roxies Ladies Store, Faktor's Sewing Centre, Peachy Keen's and today Chiropractic on Main with Dr. D. McKenna and sharing the lower level is Kernaghan Adjusters Limited.

In the early days in the upper level, I recall insurance businesses ran by Mrs Fairbairn and Bruce Nowlton, and also an accounting business operated by Mr. Bill Uhrich. Dr. Bill Bradt operated chiropractic services in the upper level as well for a number of years.

This is my first memory of Flin Flon's City Hall, business offices on the lower level and council chamber and courtroom on the upper level. The west end was a Cenotaph which honored veterans who did not return. This was used until the new Cenotaph was erected on Hill Street next to the 100 stairs.

This image shows a bakery which was constructed on the old Town Hall site by the Wolters family. This was a flourishing outstanding bakery, and an asset to our city, but with the coming of the box stores, the bakery closed. This building today is occupied by Northern Rainbow's End Gifts & Flowers. The flower portion of this business was once known as Christies located at the south end of Main Street across from the Co-op, then sold to Ruth Rose and is now part of Northern Rainbow's End Gifts & Flowers owned and operated by Leona Kemp.

Today when we look at the modern City Hall of Flin Flon which was constructed in the 1980's by Mayor Nazir Ahmad and council. This structure stands on the location which was once Flin Flon's CNR Station. This structure has been a credit to our community and has certainly added to the appearance of the uptown area.

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