Comments...what others have said

Thank you so much for teaching the speech class. I have a better understanding of why moms are so excited when you come. (My son) has grown so much in his comfort and ability at speaking. He went to a legislative intensive camp for the week and had many opportunities to speak and often time extemporaneously. He told me with much excitement that you learned his interests and chose a great speech for him. (ML '23)

I use the things you taught me everyday!! Thank you so much for teaching me, it has really helped my confidence grow when talking to people and presenting assignments! You are an amazing teacher!!  (SZ)

I really appreciate you spending time teaching me this year.  Your class has definitely been a highlight of my week.  (The) first class you talked about the power and strength of our words.  During this school year, I have seen others convey power and strength when they talk. Thanks to you I see how even my words can positively or negatively affect a situation or someone.  Thank you for opening my eyes.  (CB - '22) 

This class is very different from the structure of the courses I’ve been taking at (the) community college for the past two years, in that it is based in Biblical teaching. I have much respect for you teaching with boldness and truth. It means a lot to me as a person of the generation growing up in these changing times to see a role model like you in a teaching position. The world is lacking God-fearing leadership right now, so, thank you as well, for the example you set. (K.C. '21)

(My son) enjoyed speech class much more than he thought he would so thank you for providing a class structure that helped him grow.  (LG '21)

(My daughter) just finished speech at Northwestern and got an A in the class.  She said, "Mom it was an easy class, Mrs. Ackland had already taught me almost all of it.  It was just a refresher and refining my skills."  CS '21)

We so appreciate you as a person and an amazing teacher!  Thank you for all you do. Your love for your students is so apparent. (Parent '20)

To the best speech teacher ever! And I mean it!!! I’m so thankful for everything you taught me!!! You helped me grow sooo much! I wouldn’t trade the time I spent with (class) for anything! Thank you!! (B.M., past student who is using his skills continuously) 11/20

I had a really great time in your class this year. I have really enjoyed having you for a teacher and will miss our classes. Sincerely, K.S. (' 20)

Your class is such a gift because all of our kids have overcome a number of challenges just by their experiences in speech class.  I appreciate that it is a safe place to be uncomfortable.  But the benefits are so far reaching.  (My daughter) did not come willingly to speech class, but she will admit today that her experience in your class helped her with her interviewing process and she’s even been requested as a program leader...from time to time.  The kids don’t realize right now what an amazing blessing this class will be to them in the future. (K.S., parent '20)

When I walked into the first year speech class, I was not a saved man. I had a life characterized by great sin and was an excessive swearer. On a good day it was every other word. I was mad my mom was making me take this speech class and I thought as I walked in, that I was in for it, that there was no good purpose for it. When Mrs. Ackland began to speak on how we should use our words to build one another up and not tear them down, I was convicted of what I had been doing. I began to listen and consider where I stood before the Lord. Through the preaching of the gospel, the Lord worked in a wonderful and powerful way, transforming my wretched lifestyle. Almost a year later I look back at where I was, Jesus Christ took me and used that speech class in a way that I thought never to be possible. Because He died for me, I live for Him.  (Oct. 2020 - AJQ)

A friend of mine is taking a PSEO college class at a nearby college.  When we compared notes about our classes, he said he wished he was taking class from you instead.  He said he could tell I was learning a lot more from your class than his.  (M.M.) 

It was a privilege to participate in your class. I've watched it from the back for many years as my sisters went through both the 1st and 2nd year classes, but I had no idea what it would be like to be in it. I enjoyed it more than I could have hoped!  I couldn't have done it without an amazing speech teacher. I am really looking forward to advanced as well. I started looking forward to it the day of our last meeting! (2019 MB)

Thanks so much for all the wonderful instruction, mentoring, kindness and love you have shown my son in speech class!  We appreciate you so much.  (TH 2019 parent)

Thank you so much for being my speech teacher two years in a row. I have loved every speech and every class. I have learned so much about speaking and about being a Christ-follower in my generation. You are an inspiration to me, and I hope someday I'll be able to show others God's love like you do. Thank you so much for all you do. (H. K., student 2019 BP)

(My daughter) had a wonderful time in your class and learned so much. (She) really enjoyed getting to know you and really enjoyed how you brought the Lord into class and also kept things out that would not honor him. That is so rare today, but so refreshing. Thank you for being a teacher to make a difference and being one she will never forget :)  (mom of '18 student CK)

Thank you for all of the prayer, preparation, and support that you put into the speech class. (My daughter) said it was her favorite class this semester! (mom of '18 student LS)

Thank you so much for blessing each one of us students with your time and your wisdom. It has been a considerable joy being in your wonderful class. ('18 student NH)

Speech class was a pivotal time for my daughter.  (parent 2018)

I want to thank you for inviting the presence of the Lord Jesus into your class every week by opening in prayer. It is so refreshing! I have appreciated the wholesome selections you have chosen for the students to perform.  Thank you for being a source of positive, Christian influence on (my daughter's) life, and thank you for praying for her and the other students in your class during the week. (mom of 2018 student LS) 

I wanted to write you a quick email and just thank you for being such a great and helpful teacher. I had my first ever PSEO final this week. The final was a presentation that we had to give before the whole class. So basically it was a long speech (10 minutes). It was for my business class and after I presented, my teacher came up to me and told me how impressed he was with my public speaking skills. He said that he was very impressed that I made direct eye contact with all the people in the room and the confidence that I spoke with. He also said that it was the best initial presentation he had seen in his class. Without your dedication and hard work teaching me for years, I wouldn't have been able to present as I did. I wanted to just let you know how thankful I am for you and your dedication to your students. It has benefited me in so many areas of my life and as much as I dreaded giving my speeches, I learned so much and use skills you taught me nearly every day. (2018 - past student - JS)

... because every time you teach it sounds like a lesson and an interesting speech all at the same time. I thoroughly enjoy your classes because we learn and have fun all at the same time. Thank you for teaching! (2018 - student MS)

(Marti) has no idea of the impact her classes had on my son.  He has been all over the world and has given many presentations.  (2018 - father - TP)

I couldn't believe that I had just volunteered to present part of my short story in front on everyone, including the published authors that were there.  I kept thinking about it but didn't really want to do it.  I remembered what you said in speech class.  We should always take opportunities to speak.  I finally did it and it was really fun after I got into it.  (Student at a young writers seminar - E.O.)

My daughter is interested in taking your advanced class. Your enthusiasm is definitely rubbing off on her. I was surprised when she said she'd like to do another class. (C.L.)

(My daughter) had a one hour meeting in the boardroom... She said the interview went really well.  I knew that she had done some preparation for it, and I didn't think much of it. I did remember her saying right after the interview that she shook everyone's hands...  I was reflecting on that today, and I realized the prep for the interview probably came from what she learned in Speech class, but shaking everyone's hand after the interview definitely came from the class.  (She got the job!!!)  (2016 - Mother of a past student -L.P.)

Just wanted to send you a quick note about a conversation I had with (my son) the other day.  He had his board of life conference for Boy Scouts not that long ago, which is a big deal with lots of adult leaders that you have to answer to. It's his last conference before eagle.  I asked him how it went afterwards, and he told me it went great because he used everything he had learned from Mrs. Ackland's speech class!  He said all of what went on in that conference and how well he did had to do with everything he had learned in your classes!  What an impact you continue to have on your students day after day!  Thank you so much!  Blessings to you! (M.M. 2016)

What a gift you have and are  gift to many - the next generation of leaders!  (2016 - J)

(I) just wanted to let you know.  I have had help learning how to speak, but you are the only one who has time for us and who is patient with us.  You are the best, and this is the best speech class I've had.  Thank you for your time.  I enjoy it. (Note from a 2016 first year student.)  M

(My daughter) K. is taking all PSEO classes (as a senior) at Northwestern Univ. this year. Last week, a girl from one of her classes asked a group of girls if they’d be willing to listen to her speech - a speech the girl needed to video record for her public speaking class. The students (including K) happily agreed to listen to this gal's presentation and offer feedback.  When (my daughter) returned home she said, “Mom, I never fully appreciated how much I learned in Mrs. Ackland’s class. Today I was made aware that not everyone has had the benefit of her class. What I learned from Mrs. Ackland’s class was so valuable, and it was helpful to pass on some tips to this gal. I’m so glad I took Mrs. Ackland’s class!”  (P. P. 2016)

I am so grateful for your classes and the useful life lessons learned though them as I have been in PSEO.  Your classes really taught me a lot about living out my faith, following God, and speaking out for Him!  (Student heading to college)

Mrs. Ackland, you have a way of motivating us to do our best!  I appreciate that.  (Advanced student)

Mrs. A., your love for your students can be clearly seen because of what you invest in us. (Competing student) 

Marti, you opened a door for my daughter that really needed to be opened.  She's had so many opportunities now! She got an A+ in her college speech class because of your encouragement to her in high school.  (Parent)

You have taught me valuable life skills.  Thank you so much.  (Student)

Thank you for teaching me.  I have gained much useful knowledge through this course, and I appreciate the time and effort you put into it.  (Adv. student)

My kids have appreciated and have learned so much from your classes.  You have been such a blessing in my kid's lives. (G.G.)

Marti makes these classes real life. (R. F.)

You had a way of making class memorable, and it is one I won't forget because of how you were able to teach us.  (student 2015)

Thank you so much for teaching such a wonderful class this past year.  You were the perfect speech instructor for my very shy girl!  (2015 parent)

My son has learned much in class and hardly seems nervous anymore.  That is progress!  Thank you for leading in a Christ-centered way so that students have another avenue to Him through you.  (parent 2015)

Thank you so much for a great year in speech class.  I had an amazing time and I learned so much.  God bless you.  (student 2015)

I was so blessed yesterday to sit in on your class!  Thank you for the invitation for parents to participate -- I have personally learned so many things that have already helped me in my personal journey of speaking to others.  (Parent - 2014)

I would love to sign up my son for your speech class in Brooklyn Park. It looks like a fabulous class! 

I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful speech class.  My son loved it.  You are gifted at making such a dreaded subject likable.  (C.R. '14)

I find myself thinking about speech (class) fairly often.   While I didn't like it too much at the time, it's now filed under some of my happier memories! (R.M. - student)

I have heard of you and your classes, and they come highly recommended.  (Inquiring parent)

Your speech class is phenomenal!  We joined the co-op particularly so my student could take this class.  Thank you. (Parent)

Your speech class and advice really helped a lot. I did toastmasters when I was 12, and I remember being so nervous whenever I got up to speak! But since taking your class, I have felt less nervous speaking to a group. Thank you! (Student who had just spoken at a local Lion's Club meeting after winning an essay competition - 2013)

I am curious about your openings left the first year class. We have heard great things about the classes.


Well, this is it–the last Advanced speech class for the year. It has been a great learning experience in many different ways, particularly in life skills like Business Interviews and Speaking the Truth in Love that I know I will put to good use in the future.  (D.P. '13) 

In the past few months, I’ve gained a lot of friends that are genuinely impressed by me.  I couldn’t figure out why. Then tonight a friend told me, “I was talking to you... and I was watching you.  I told you how tired I was.  And you just... listened. You were genuinely interested.”  I just wanted to say thank you, Mrs. A.  Thanks for teaching me to listen.  It’s had an ENORMOUS impact on my life. (N - student and competitor - 2012)

Marti, I've heard wonderful things about you and your classes from quite a few different friends over the years.

Thank you for class today! I had a great time and am looking forward to the rest of the year.  I think the advanced class is a ton of fun. It's hard, and some work, but fun. (That) really surprises me! I’ve realized that speech has increased my confidence a lot in other subjects and life in general.  I never expected a single class to do that.  Plus, I’ve made some new friends.  You are the one who God used to give me the blessing though I hope you realize how much you influence people for good in your class.  (C. D. - 2011 Advanced Class student) 

Our family has been tremendously blessed by participating in speech and debate over the past few years and have seen God’s hand at work in many different ways already in using these communication skills for His glory. We have also benefited tremendously through all of the time and encouragement that you have personally poured into our children, and for all the friendships that have been formed.  Thank you for this gift! And again, thank you so much for all that you have done for our family and children – you are a dear friend! (parent  2012)

Just mostly wanted to tell you thanks for yesterday!  You are a great teacher! You really care about the kids - and it shows!  Thanks for your investment.  (parent - 2012)

Mrs. Ackland, I graduated with a B.S. in English Literature and Writing from Northwestern College in 2011.  I can honestly say that my experience with (high school) speech and debate has helped me in far more ways than the one speech class I took during college.  I could fully and coherently argue a point in the papers that I wrote (English majors write a LOT).  I was also able to put both the writing and the speech elements together for my Senior Capstone, which I had present to the department.  I feel that speech prepared me intellectually for the material that I would encounter in college.  In all honesty, I don't think I would have done as well in college without the six years of experience I had with speech.  (T.E. - 2011)

My Grandma passed away at the beginning of the month and I had the opportunity to speak at her funeral, and I took it. A year ago I never would have dreamed of speaking in front of people, more over 100 at a funeral. Your class helped with everything, the outline, practice, and just teaching me how to speak and not be afraid. Thanks so much!  I really enjoyed your class.  Thanks soooo much. Sincerely, (student - 2011) 


"Thanks so much for teaching this year. I really, truly appreciated you teaching me. It has been an honor. I went into this year not wanting to do this and hating speaking and it has turned out to be totally awesome. I have learned a lot and it has actually been a ton of fun. I actually enjoyed speaking. That would have been something unheard of a year ago. And having fun while speaking? That thought would have been totally insane. I almost wish speech class was not over. This thought would have been absolutely crazy too. You are a great teacher. I have learned so much; this will help me in the long run. Thanks. -- Semper fidelis  Sincerely, (student)


 Dear Mrs. Ackland,Thank you SO much for a WONDERFUL year! I have learned more thoroughly the skills of speaking through this class, and am really excited for the class next year. I actually wanted to tell you that on Sunday my friend told me that on Wednesday we are supposed to get up and tell our testimonies for a bunch of younger girls at our church. Impromptu two times in one week! It really amazed me that just two days after learning impromptu, I actually have to use that skill. So fun!  You are a WONDERFUL teacher. Thank you for teaching me, (E. H.)

I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you.  My son has really enjoyed your class and has learned a lot!  Thank you for your hard work.  (D.A.)

My son enjoyed your class so much.  I appreciated the way he was able to develop a skill that does not come natural for him.  He's very quiet.  He has learned so much and has applied so much of it to other areas.  I should let you know of something that was very special to us as a result of this class.  My husband wrote the eulogy for his father's funeral but then knew he couldn't give it.  Our son offered to read it (we were shocked)!  He did so with so much poise.  He received so many compliments afterwards. We were so proud of him.  I can assure you that before the speech class, this would have never happened.  He was able to honor the memory of his grandfather.  We were all blessed!  (J.F.)


"Speech classes aren't supposed to be fun, but this is great!" (Advanced student)


"Mrs. Ackland has no idea how much she is affecting eternity through our kids."  (Parent)


"You have made a big impact on our whole family.  This has been so good for all of us."  (Parent)


"So this is what the (Advanced) class was like; I sure missed out.  I wish I had taken it now!" 


"I really fought being in this class.  Now I love it!"  (student who went on to compete)


"I was so glad I had your class because I felt very confident at my job interview." (Hired student)


"Your class has been a favorite for both my daughters."  (Parent - Children's class)


"You certainly gave our students the tools to speak well in every situation."  (Parent)


"I will try not to scratch my underarm in front of an audience again!"  (Student humorously responding to their critique) 


"It was so much fun presenting a speech to the elders of my church using my impromptu skills.  I enjoyed connecting with them as I creatively brought up points to engage them.  I really wanted them to catch my enthusiasm."  (Micah - who is using his skills well) 


"Your class will stand out in my daughter's memory as one of her favorite and most important classes in her high school years!" (Parent)


"Mrs. A., so when are you offering your advanced class?  Thanks for teaching us speech.  I enjoyed it!  Don't tell my mom though!"   (email from a student who wishes to remain anonymous) 



 This page and website © Mrs. Marti Ackland 2014-2020