Workshop on non-market valuation

The next edition will be organized in Nancy, France, on 26th-27th of June 2025

The keynote speakers will be 

About WONV

The main objectives of WONV are (i) to provide a forum for dissemination of high quality papers which present recent developments in theoretical and/or empirical analysis in the field of non-market valuation (environment, agriculture, health, transportation, education, etc...) and (ii) create a network of researchers (including worldwide experts). Collaboration with academic journals is encouraged (special issues).  

Submission deadline : 15/03/2025

Acceptance notification : 15/04/2025

Registration deadline : 15/05/2025


Derya Keles, INRAE-BETA

Claire Montagne-Huck, INRAE-BETA

Romain Crates Dit Sourd, Leeds University Business School, UK 

Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu ,  LEMNA, IAE, University of Nantes, France

Registration fees

100 EUR, including lunches, coffee breaks and gala dinner, 70 EUR for PhD Students.


Coming soon

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