Issue 4, Spring 2013

The Comics Decoder

Panels Unravelled, Cartoons Exhumed

Issue 4, Spring 2013

What Happened to our Superheroes? / Michael French

Mr. French bemoans the dubious revisionism that increasingly plagues mainstream comics

Comic Buying: The Missing Past and the Bendy Future / Stephen Walker

British sci-fi novelist Walker recounts his life stages in Sheffield from a purchaser's point of view

Continuing on a nostalgic theme, we present the personal recollections of a webslinger fan...

My Brief History with Spider-Man / Michael French

Review: THE HIVE by Charles Burns / Henry Chamberlain

The second volume in Burns's projected trilogy is examined by the Alice in New York cartoonist

Old Pond Haiku Comics: A History and General Overview / Jessica Tremblay

Haiku poet Tremblay brings us up to speed on her contribution to the comics medium

Two decades after its completion, Mr. Watkins considers Dan Poole's classic Spider-Man fan film

Gen-X Wall-crawling without the Plaid Flannel:

The Green Goblin's Last Stand in Context / R. W. Watkins

About this issue's contributors...

Brief bios with pics


Issue 1, Summer 2009

Issue 2, Spring 2011

Issue 3, Summer 2012

The Funnies

Jessica Tremblays Old Pond Comics (4 installments), Dennis Hyer's Inhuman Relations (8 installments),

Bill Harvey's The Odds (2 installments), Kurt Beaulieu's The Quiet Oppression of Museums (Part Two),

R. W. Watkins's A Dark Glimpse

Inhuman Relations by Dennis Hyer

The Odds by Bill Harvey

The Quiet Oppression of Museums by Kurt Beaulieu

(Cont'd from Issue 3)

A Dark Glimpse by R. W. Watkins

The Odds by Bill Harvey