Mizumoto lab started at Auburn University on Jan 1st, 2024


* I stopped updating this webpage anymore.

(photo credit: Jeff Prine/ OIST)

Nobuaki Mizumoto, Ph.D.

水元 惟暁


Google Scholar Citations

Assistant Professor (Insect Ecology)

Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology

Auburn University

E-mail: nobuaki.mzmt(at)gmail.com

Twitter: @nobuaki.MZMT

GitHub: nobuaki-mzmt


2024.1.17 Paper accepted at PNAS

2024.1.1 Started Assistant Professor at Dept of Entomology & Plant Pathology at Auburn University 

2023.11.16 Paper accepted at STAR Protocols

2023.11.7 Give a talk at Entomology 2024 at MD

2023.10.20 Give a talk at University of Sydney

2023.9.20 Give a talk at International Conference on Subterrenean termites at U Hawaii

2023.9.2 Give an invited talk at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Evolutionary Study in Japan

2023.8.1 Paper published at Ecology and Evolution (TManual, a software to analyze tunnel developments; GitHub)

2023.7.5 Give a talk at a seminar at Kyoto University

2023.6.14 VIsited Lambir Hills National Park for fieldwork (5/30-6/12)

2022.5.25 New preprint online (Fossil tandem runsbioRxiv)

2023.5.4 I'll join the Dept of Entomology & Plant Pathology at Auburn University as an AssitProf in Jan 2024.

2023.4.1 Started Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Scholar Fellowship (IPSF) at OIST

2023.3.11 My first (first-authored) paper on ants (and a very bit on termites) is accepted at iScience Published 

2022.12.23 New preprint online (TManual, a software to analyze tunnel developmentsbioRxiv, GitHub)

2022.11.30 Gave a talk at a Mini-Symposium "Phylogeny and Classification of Termites"

2022.11.24 Paper published at Ecological Entomology on the effect of light condition on termite tandem run

2022.11.22 Gave a talk at a WS: Collective Intelligence in Living / Non-Livings populations 

2022.11.8 Paper published at PNAS on the evolution of same-sex tandem runs in termites!

2022.11.7 Paper on the effect of light condition on termite tandem run is accepted at Ecological Entomology.

2022.10.7 Awarded a research grant from Sumitomo Foundation to study the evolution of soldier caste in termites (2022-2023).

2022.9.30 Paper on the evolution of tandem run and same-sex pairing in termites is accepted at PNAS

2022.9.16 Give an invited talk at Roles of Heterogeneity in Nonequilibrium Collective Dynamics 2022 (RHINO2022)

2022.8.30 New preprint online (Cryptic functional diversity in ant tandem runsbioRxiv)

2022.7.23 New preprint online (Ancestral sex-role plasticity facilitates the evolution of same-sex sexual behaviour;  bioRxiv)

2022.7.22-23 Fieldtrip to Kagoshima Pref.

2022.7.15 Japanese esssay from 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌; 私とシロアリ,そしてVR (10.18974/jvrsj.27.2_8)

2022.7.3-8 Gave a talk at IUSSI 2022 (The evolution of termite nests promoted the invasion by termitophilous rove beetles)

2022.5.13 Seminar at Nagasaki University

2022.5.11-12 Fieldwork at Nagasaki

2022.5.4 Field collection of alates, Reticulitermes speratus (Fukui/Ishikawa, Japan)

2022.4.26 Gave a talk at NIBB行動学研究会 link 

2022.4.25 Swarming of Pericapritermes nitobei (Motobu, Okinawa, Japan)

2022.4.19 Coauthored paper accepted in Scientific Reports (Coptotermes task allocation) 10.1038/s41598-022-11512-1

2022.4.18 プレスリリース:シロアリの巣に住む昆虫の進化を促すものは何か? Yamagata Univ. OIST

2022.4.5-6 Field collection, Zootermopsis nevadensis (Hyogo, Japan)

2022.4.4 New review paper in Japanese at OR機関紙 https://orsj.org/?p=4272

2022.3.28 New paper is online! (evolution of termitophily and termite nesting) 10.1111/evo.14457

2022.3.19 ファンダメンタルズ フェスmini 座談会 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRq_BKejdAQ)

2022.3.15 Poster presentation at ESJ69 (https://esj.ne.jp/meeting/abst/69/P2-037.html)

2022.3.11 Coauthored paper accepted in Molecular Biology and Evolution (Kalotermitidae phylogeny) (online 5.19 10.1093/molbev/msac093)

2022.2.4 Paper accepted in Evolution (evolution of termitophily and termite nesting)

2022.1.24 Teach a course as a guest lecture at the University of Ryukyus (Basic Entomology)

2022.1.13 Working from home for two weeks 

2022.1.13 See the press release for our body size evolution paper (link)

2022.1.12 Gave a talk at ICMMA2021 as an invited speaker


2021.12 Coauthored paper published in PNAS (https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2009533118)

2021.11 Paper published in Proceedings B (The evolution of body size in termites). 

2021.10 Gave a talk at EU-IUSSI online symposium series (https://eu-iussi2020.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/32)

2021.9 Coauthored preprint on Kalotermitidae phylogeny is out at bioRxiv 

2021.9 Participate in Japan Ethology Meeting. Present a poster, organized a symposium (Art X Ethology), give a talk in a symposium (self-organization).

2021.9 We will host a seminar series Japan Eco-Evo English Seminar on a monthly basis (https://sites.google.com/view/jee-english-seminar)

2021.8 Receive grant, The Motoo Kimura Trust Foundation for the Promotion of Evolutionary Biology,  for Japan Eco-Evo English Seminar.

2021.7 Present at OIST Internal Seminar

2021.7 Paper published in Proceedings B (complementary behavioral coordination in Coptotermes termite tandem)

2021.6 Present/Comment at artist/scientist interaction event, ファンダメンタルズバザール

2021.6 Present at DARS-SWARM 2021 (online)

2021.5 Present at Termite Reading Group (online)

2021.4 Awarded KAKENHI grant (Early-Career)

2021.4 Start updating the news