
Google scholar citations, Publication lists including Japanese, Full text available upon request


Preprints under review

1. Mizumoto N.* & Nozaki T. (2023) The significance of social interactions in synchronized swarming flight in a termite. bioRxiv, DOI: 10.1101/2023.12.25.573318

Journal Papers (refereed)  

*: corresponding author, #: equal contributions

34. Mizumoto N.*, Hellemans S., Engel M. S., Bourguignon T. & Buček A.* (2024) Extinct and extant termites reveal the fidelity of behavior fossilization in amber. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (in press)

-----Preprint (bioRxiv, DOI: 10.1101/2023.05.22.541647)

33. Tanaka Y., Valentini G., Pratt. C. S., Shimoji H., & Mizumoto N.* (2023) Protocol to obtain long movement trajectories of leaders and followers in ant tandem runs. STAR Protocols (in press)

32. Mizumoto N. (2023) TManual: Assistant for manually measuring length development in structures built by animals. Ecology and Evolution, DOI:10.1002/ece3.10394

----- Preprint (bioRxiv, DOI: 10.1101/2022.12.21.521503)----- Software (GitHub,

31. Mizumoto N.#*, Tanaka Y.#, Valentini G., Richardson O. T., Annagiri S., Pratt. C. S. & Shimoji H. (2023) Functional and mechanistic diversity in ant tandem runs. iScience, DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.106418 

----- Preprint (bioRxiv, DOI: 10.1101/2022.08.28.505613 )

30. Mizumoto N. * & Bourguignon T. (2022) Light alters activity but do not disturb tandem coordination of termite mating pairs. Ecological Entomology, DOI: 10.1111/een.13209

29. Mizumoto N. *, Bourguignon T., & Bailey W. N. (2022) Ancestral sex-role plasticity facilitates the evolution of same-sex sexual behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 119(46) e2212401119, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2212401119

----- Preprint (bioRxiv, 765198 doi: 10.1101/2022.06.20.496918v1)----- Press release, OIST

28. Lee S.B.*, Chouvenc T., Mizumoto N., Mullins A. & Su N.Y. (2022) Age-based spatial distribution of workers is resilient to worker loss in a subterranean termite. Scientific Reports, 12:7837, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-11512-1

27. Buček A., Wang M., Šobotník J., Sillam-Dussès D., Mizumoto N., Stiblík P., Clitheroe C., Lu T., González Plaza J. J., Mohagan A., Rafanomezantsoa J. J., Fisher B., Engel M., Roisin Y., Evans T., Scheffrahn R. & Bourguignon T. (2022) Molecular phylogeny reveals the past transoceanic voyages of drywood termites (Isoptera, Kalotermitidae). Molecular Biology and Evolution DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msac093

----- Preprint (Transoceanic voyages of drywood termites (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) inferred from extant and extinct species. bioRxiv, 765198 doi: 10.1101/2021.09.24.461667 )

26. Mizumoto N.*, Bourguignon T.  & Kanao T.  (2022)Termite nest evolution fostered social parasitism by termitophilous rove beetles. Evolution, DOI:10.1111/evo.14457

----- Press release, Yamagata Univ. OIST

25. Yashiro T.*, Tea Y-K., Wal C.V.D., Nozaki T., Mizumoto N., Hellemans S., Matsuura K. & Lo N. (2021) Enhanced heterozygosity from male meiotic chromosome chains is superseded by hybrid female asexuality in termites. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 118, e2009533118, DOI:10.1073/pnas.2009533118

24.  Mizumoto N.* & Bourguignon T.  (2021) The evolution of body size in termites. Proceedings of the Royal Society B  288:20211458, DOI:10.1098/rspb.2021.1458

----- Preprint (bioRxiv, 765198 doi: 10.1101/2021.09.30.462579)----- Press release, OIST----- News sites,, LeNTA.RU, ScienceDaily, SCIENMAG, MIRAGE

23. Mizumoto N.*, Lee S.B., Valentini G., Chouvenc T. & Pratt S.C. (2021) Coordination of movement via complementary interactions of leaders and followers in termite mating pairs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288:20210998, DOI:10.1098/rspb.2021.0998

----- News sites, PCT, futurity, South Central Florida Life,, Florida News Times----- Preprint (bioRxiv, 765198 doi: 10.1101/2021.03.05.434098)

22. Taerum S.*, Jasso-Selles D. E., Hileman J., De Martini F., Mizumoto N. & Gile G. H. (2020) Spirotrichonymphea (Parabasalia) symbionts of the termite Paraneotermes simplicicornis.  European Journal of Protistology, 76:125742, DOI:10.1016/j.ejop.2020.125742 

21. Mizumoto N.*, Rizo A., Pratt S.C. & Chouvenc T. (2020) Termite males enhance mating encounters by changing speed according to density. Journal of Animal Ecology, 89:2542-2552, DOI:10.1111/1365-2656.13320 

20. Valentini G., Mizumoto N., Pratt S.C., Pavlic T.P.* & Walker S.I.* (2020) Revealing the structure of information flows discriminates similar animal social behaviors. eLife, 9:e55395, DOI:10.7554/eLife.55395

----- Preprint (bioRxiv, 765198 doi: 10.1101/765198)

19. Mizumoto N.*, Gile G. H. & Pratt S.C. (2020) Behavioral rules for soil excavation by colony founders and workers in termites. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 114(5):654-661, DOI:10.1093/aesa/saaa017

----- Entomology today Digging Deep: The Secrets Within Termite Nests

18. Mizumoto N.*, Bardunias P.M. & Pratt S.C. (2020) Complex relationship between tunneling patterns and individual behaviors in termites. American Naturalist, 196(5) DOI:10.1086/711020  

----- Preprint (Parameter tuning facilitates the evolution of diverse tunneling patterns in termites. bioRxiv, 836346  doi: 10.1101/836346)----- Repository PDF (OIST repository)

17. Mizumoto N.* & Bourguignon T. (2020) Modern termites inherited the potential of collective construction from their common ancestor. Ecology and Evolution 10: 6775-6784 DOI:10.1002/ece3.6381

16. Mitaka Y.*, Matsuyama S., Mizumoto N., Matsuura K. & Akino T. (2020) Chemical identification of an aggregation pheromone in the termite Reticulitermes speratus. Scientific Reports 10: 7424 DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-64388-4

15. Shimoji H.*#, Mizumoto N.#, Oguchi K. & Dobata S. (2019) Caste-biased locomotor activities in isolated termites. Physiological Entomology 45:  50-59 DOI:10.1111/phen.12315 

----- Preprint (bioRxiv, 239475  doi: 10.1101/239475)

14. Mee E. D., Gaylor M. G., Jasso-Selles D. E., Mizumoto N. & Gile G. H.* (2019) Molecular phylogenetic position of Hoplonympha natator (Trichonymphea, Parabasalia): Horizontal symbiont transfer or differential loss? Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 67: 268 DOI:10.1111/jeu.12765

13. Mizumoto N.*, Miyata S. & Pratt S. C. (2019) Inferring collective behavior from a fossilized fish shoal. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286: 20190891 DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2019.0891 

----- Press release, Arizona State University, Josai University----- News sites, ScienceNews, The New York Times, The Atlantic, Popular Science, 朝日新聞, 共同通信----- Forum, TheScienceBreaker

12. Mizumoto N.* & Dobata S. (2019) Adaptive switch to sexually dimorphic movements by partner-seeking termites. Science Advances 5: eaau6108 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau6108 

----- Preprint (bioRxiv, 340919 doi: Press release, Kyoto University----- News sites. KJZZ

11. Mizumoto N.* (2018) Barricade construction by primitive termites: Task allocation and evolutionary perspectives. Artificial Life and Robotics 23: 469-473 DOI:10.1007/s10015-018-0474-6

10. Yashiro T.*, Lo N., Kobayashi K., Nozaki T., Fuchikawa T., Mizumoto N., Namba Y. & Matsuura K. (2018) Loss of males from mixed-sex societies in termites BMC Biology 16: 96 DOI:10.1186/s12915-018-0563-y

9. Mizumoto N.*, Dobata S. (2018) The optimal movement patterns for mating encounters with sexually asymmetric detection ranges. Scientific Reports 8: 3356 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-21437-3

8. Matsuura K.*#, Mizumoto N.#, Kobayashi K., Nozaki T., Fujita T., Yashiro T., Fuchikawa T., Mitaka Y. & Vargo E. L. (2018) A genomic imprinting model of termite caste determination: Not genetic but epigenetic inheritance influences offspring caste fate. The American Naturalist 191(6): 677-690 DOI:10.1086/697238

7. Hasegawa E.*#, Mizumoto N.#, Kobayashi K., Dobata S., Yoshimura J. Watanabe S., Murakami Y. & Matsuura K. (2017) Nature of collective decision-making by simple yes/no decision units. Scientific Reports 7: 14436 DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-14626-z

6. Mizumoto N.*, Fuchikawa T. & Matsuura K. (2017) Pairing strategy after today's failure: unpaired termites synchronize mate search using photic cycles. Population Ecology 59(3): 205-211 DOI:10.1007/s10144-017-0584-3

----- Full-text view only version:, Selected as Editor's choice

5. Nagaya N.*#, Mizumoto N.#, Abe S. M., Dobata S., Sato R. & Fujisawa R.* (2017) Anomalous diffusion on the servosphere: a potential tool for detecting inherent organismal movement patterns. PLOS ONE 12(6): e0177480. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0177480

4. Mizumoto N.*, Abe S. M.* & Dobata S.* (2017) Optimizing mating encounters by sexually dimorphic movements. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 14: 20170086. DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2017.0086

----- Press release, Kyoto UniversityNII----- News, 科学新聞(2017年6月2日 4面), マイナビニュース日本経済新聞GIZMODO

3. Mizumoto N.*, Yashiro T. & Matsuura K. (2016) Male same-sex pairing as an adaptive strategy for future reproduction in termites. Animal Behaviour 119: 179-187. DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2016.07.007

----- Press release,  Kyoto university----- News, EurekAlert!ITmedia ニュースUPIIFL Science!

2. Mizumoto N.*, Kobayashi K. & Matsuura K. (2015) Emergence of intercolonial variation in termite shelter tube patterns and prediction of its underlying mechanism. Royal Society Open Science 2: 150360 DOI: 10.1098/rsos.150360

----- Press release, Kyoto University ----- News, 京都新聞 (2016年1月5日 27面)----- 紹介, someone (2017 vol.38, 目の見えないシロアリが地下トンネルをつくったら)

1. Mizumoto N. & Matsuura K.* (2013) Colony-specific architecture of shelter tubes by termites. Insectes Sociaux 60: 525-530. DOI: 10.1007/s00040-013-0319-1

----- News, ScienceShot. Molly Sharlach: Termite Architects Have Their Own Plans.18 November 2013. ScienceShot

Mizumoto et al., 2022 PNAS

Mizumoto et al., 2022 Evolution

Mizumoto and Bourguignon 2021 Proceedings B

Mizumoto et al., 2021 Proceedings B

Mizumoto et al., 2021 Ann Entmol Soc Am

Mizumoto et al., 2020 Am Nat

Mizumoto and Dobata, 2019 Sci Adv

Mizumoto et al., 2018 Proceedings B

Mizumoto et al., 2017 J Roy Soc Interface

Mizumoto et al., 2016 Anim Behav

Mizumoto and Matsuura 2013 Insect Soc