Japan Eco-Evo English Seminar 


Japan Eco-Evo English Seminar aims to initiate interactions between international and Japanese researchers and students in the field of Ecology and Evolution.  


Upcoming events

Japan Eco-Evo English Seminar 2023 (JEEES@TOHOKU) Dec 9-10

We are organizing the Japan Eco-Evo English Seminar 2023 (JEEES 2023): a two-day, in-person event at Tohoku University to present your ecology and evolution research, network, and chat with mentors in English.

At JEEES 2023, all participants will present a 3-minute flash talk about their research, attend group discussions, and participate in mentoring sessions run by a diverse group of professors and early-career researchers. If you are interested in developing scientific communication skills in English, networking with peers, or getting advice from our amazing mentors, please register for the seminar!

Date: Dec 9-10, 2023

Location: Tohoku University, Katahira campus, Life Sciences Project Research Laboratory [D-04 on map], Lecture Room A 

The workshop will consist of

Apply here (due by Nov 3, 2023): https://forms.gle/qbtBiwCm2YRpu2tY7

We have some funds to help subsidize travel for those traveling from other parts of Japan, so please note in this form if you would like to be considered for a small grant-in-aid (awardees will be selected randomly if available funds exceed the number of requests).


- Cheryl Ames (Tohoku University)

- Kanako Bessho-Uehara (Tohoku University)

- Adam Cronin (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

- Emmanuel Jesuyon Dansu (Tohoku University)

- Josephine Galipon (Yamagata University)

- Yurika Ujiie (Kochi University)

- Jotaro Urabe (Tohoku University)

- Masato Yamamichi (National Institute of Genetics)

- Fabienne Ziadi (OIST)

Send questions to: jee.english.seminar@gmail.com

This workshop is supported by The Motoo Kimura Trust Foundation for the Promotion of Evolutionary Biology and co-hosted by the Tohoku University Graduate School of Life Sciences.




場所:(東北大学・片平キャンパス・生命科学プロジェクト総合研究棟 [地図でD-04]・講義室A)


参加登録はこちら (〆切 11月3日): https://forms.gle/qbtBiwCm2YRpu2tY7



- Cheryl Ames (Tohoku University)

- Kanako Bessho-Uehara (Tohoku University)

- Adam Cronin (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

- Emmanuel Jesuyon Dansu (Tohoku University)

- Josephine Galipon (Yamagata University)

- Yurika Ujiie (Kochi University)

- Jotaro Urabe (Tohoku University)

- Masato Yamamichi (National Institute of Genetics)

- Fabienne Ziadi (OIST)

問い合わせ先: jee.english.seminar@gmail.com


Past seminars

#9: May 20. 2022 (Fri) 15:00~

9回: 20220520日 (15:00~

Gall-forming aphids, small insects with great power: female-biased sex allocation via female competition induces novel insect gall organogenesis in plants

Xin Tong (SPDR Fellow, Cell Function Research Team, RIKEN CSRS)


Gall-forming aphids are small plant-sucking insects and, remarkably, they can induce novel plant organs called galls for reproduction and nutrient supply. Gall development is mainly controlled by insects, and they tend to be species-specific tissues that can be regarded as an extension of the insect phenotype. Interestingly, some inducer aphids have fighting behavior to usurp incipient galls, particularly for species that are more likely to fail at inducing galls at the early stage. In this seminar, I will talk about a new model I proposed, gall-forming aphids, to test the Trivers-Willard hypothesis, which says that if mothers differ in the amounts of reproductive resources to which they have access, then more fecund mothers should allocate more towards males with the greater reproductive return. I concluded that female–female competition leads to female-biased sex allocation, which contrasts with the original hypothesis, with reversed sex roles. I will end with an introduction of current research trends in insect gall organogenesis.

After the seminar, we will have coffee time prepare a space for coffee and casual chatting.



15:00~15:30: seminar

15:30~16:00: questions and discussion

16:00~: mixer




童 欣 (トン・シン)(理研CSRS・細胞機能研究チーム・SPDRフェロー)



#8: Apr. 15. 2022 (Fri) 15:00~

第8回: 2022年04月15日 (金) 15:00~

Individual-based temporal beta-diversity: Individual turnover and compositional shift in a community

Ryosuke Nakadai (Research Associate, Biodiversity Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies)


To better assess the influences of global climate change and anthropogenic disturbances on biodiversity, the concept of beta diversity has been extended to a temporal context and has been intensively studied in recent years. In studies of temporal beta-diversity, simple methodologies for spatial beta-diversity have often been used. However, temporal beta-diversity often includes "the same individual" between two communities implicitly, which has not been the case with spatial comparisons of communities, so it is necessary to consider the effects of individual turnover and persistence for quantifying temporal beta-diversity. I focused on both individual identity and the persistence of individuals within a temporal beta-diversity framework and developed several novel indices. In my presentation, I will explain these novel indices and the concepts behind them, showing some worked examples. I will also discuss the prospects for community assemblages through both time and individual identity.

After the seminar, we will have coffee time prepare a space for coffee and casual chatting.



15:00~15:30: seminar

15:30~16:00: questions and discussion

16:00~: mixer



個体ベース時間的β多様性: 個体の入れ替わりと群集の組成変化




#7: Mar. 29. 2022 (Tue) 15:00~

第7回: 2022年03月29日 (火) 15:00~

Evolution of habitat preferences driven by maladaptive hybridization

Daisuke Kyogoku (Researcher, The Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo)


During the secondary contact between allopatrically formed species, maladaptive hybridization (and more generally any form of costly interspecific mating interactions such as persistent interspecific mating attempts) can occur, selecting for the avoidance of such occurrence: a process known as reinforcement of reproductive isolation. The theory of reinforcement has typically assumed the evolution of species recognition, but my recent simulation study found that habitat segregation is the more likely outcome of hybridization than species recognition divergence. This happens because habitat segregation stabilizes the coexistence of ecologically similar species, whereas species recognition does not have such an effect (i.e. demography matters). In addition, when organisms can evolve both traits, the two traits show interesting interactions (which are also mediated by demographic dynamics). These findings highlight the importance to consider not only the evolution of reproductive isolation but also the persistence of the lineages, with insights into both evolutionary biology and community ecology. I will also briefly describe the findings from the ongoing projects, which relax some assumptions of the original model. Specifically, I point out that (i) males and females can contribute differently to the establishment of habitat segregation when they can evolve their habitat preferences independently, and that (ii) the evolution of a habitat specialist and generalist can occur without parameter asymmetry.

After the seminar, we will have coffee time prepare a space for coffee and casual chatting.



15:00~15:30: seminar

15:30~16:00: questions and discussion

16:00~: mixer






異所的に進化した2種が二次的に接触すると、不適応な交雑(より一般的には、コストをともなう種間求愛などの様々な繁殖時の種間相互作用)が生じることがある。選択はこうした相互作用を減らすように働き、この過程は隔離強化として知られる。隔離強化の理論はふつう種認識の進化を仮定するが、私の最近のシミュレーションモデル研究は棲分けのほうが種認識の分化よりも生じやすいことを予測した。これは資源要求の似た2種の共存を棲分けが安定化させるいっぽうで、種認識にはそのような効果がないことによる(i.e.個体群動態が結果に影響する)。さらに、2種の生物が種認識と棲分けの両方を潜在的に進化させられる場合は、これらの形質間に興味深い相互作用が見られる(この相互作用にも個体群動態が介在する)。これらの結果は生殖隔離の進化だけでなく個体群の存続性を考慮することの重要性を明らかにしており、進化生物学および群集生態学へ示唆を与える。本発表ではまた、現在行っている、オリジナルを改変したモデルの解析結果についても簡単に紹介する。具体的には (i ) オスとメスがハビタット選好性を独立に進化させられる場合にはオスとメスが棲分けの成立に対して異なる貢献をすること、および (ii) ハビタット利用のスペシャリストとジェネラリストの進化がパラメタの非対称性なしに生じうることなどを紹介する。

#6: Feb. 18. 2022 (Fri) 10:00~

第6回: 2022年02月18日 (金) 10:00~

Truffles in the sky: the impact of stochastic and deterministic drivers on Rhizopogon communities of the Madrean Sky Island Archipelago

Carolina G. Piña Páez (PhD student, Oregon State University)

Adam Carson, Daniel Luoma, Joseph W. Spatafora


Temperate forests across the globe are migrating as a result of global warning, but little is known about how changes in climate and host geographic distributions will affect the obligate symbionts of these forests. The Madrean Sky Island Archipelago (MSIA) comprises mountain “islands” whose Pine-Oak forests appear in stark contrast to the surrounding “sea” of Sonoran Desert vegetation. Rhizopogon (order Boletales) is a diverse genus of obligate ectomycorrhizal (EcM) symbiont fungi that associate exclusively with Pinaceae species. We asked whether the association with host Pinaceae or geographic isolation have influenced the community structure of Rhizopogon throughout the MSIA. We aimed at revealing the diversity of Rhizopogon species on the MSIA and clarify the impact of geographic isolation on their communities. We analyzed the phylogenetic relationships between communities sampled from two different sites per island, one Pinus site and one mixed-conifer containing species of Pseudotsuga, Abies, and Pinus across nine different islands of the MSIA. We identified 21 unique OTUs representing both widespread and range-restricted species. While differential host association with Pinus and Pseudotsuga was a significant driver of community composition, our results supported an even stronger island effect.  Furthermore, Rhizopogon communities associated with Pinus forest sites were characterized by random phylogenetic structures across sky islands and were not structured by geographic distance. Our results supported a strong isolation effect that involved historical habitat fragmentation of sky islands in response to past climate changes, and that both host association and stochastic processes, i.e., ecological drift, played a role in shaping Rhizopogon communities in the MSIA. Since our knowledge on the global diversity of Rhizopogon and phylogeography of EcM in general is scarce, creating an international collaboration network is crucial.

After the seminar, we will have coffee time prepare a space for coffee and casual chatting.



10:00~10:30: seminar

10:30~11:00: questions and discussion

11:00~: mixer




ピニャパエズ・カロリナ(PhD student, オレゴン州立大学)

Adam Carson, Daniel Luoma, Joseph W. Spatafora 



#5: Jan. 21. 2022 (Fri) 15:00~

第5回: 2022年01月21日 (金) 15:00~

Rapid phenotypic change of invasive toads in an urban environment

Hirotaka Komine (Assistant Professor, Yamagata University)


Urbanization is one of the principle drivers of global biodiversity loss. Although many studies have examined the impacts of urbanization on species richness and composition, we are only beginning to study urbanization as an evolutionary force. Urban environments are hotspots for invasive species and quantifying phenotypic responses of invasive species to urbanization may help to reveal mechanisms promoting the invasion process. There are, however, few studies investigating the phenotypic response of invasive species to urbanization. We examined morphological and reproductive differences of invasive toads between urban and rural area in Australia. I’d like to talk to you about this ongoing research.

After the seminar, we will have coffee time prepare a space for coffee and casual chatting.



15:00~15:30: seminar

15:30~16:00: questions and discussion

16:00~: mixer



都市化に伴う外来種の急速な表現型変化  外来オオヒキガエルでの検証

小峰 浩隆(助教, 国立大学法人山形大学 )



#4: Dec. 13. 2021 (Mon) 15:00~18:00

4回: 2021年1213日 () 15:00~18:00

Someone like me: Size-assortative pairing and mating in an Amazonian fish, sailfin tetra Crenuchus spilurus

Elio de Almeida Borghezan (D3, Kyoto University)

Coauthors: Kalebe da Silva Pinto, Jansen Zuanon, Tiago Henrique da Silva Pires


Preference for larger mates is expected to evolve, as larger individuals are typical of higher potential fitness. Large females are often more fecund and carry larger eggs (which result in higher number and better quality of offspring), whereas larger males usually have more conspicuous ornaments and are better at defending resources. However, intrasexual competition can limit the access to larger partners, especially when opportunities for mate takeover abound. Here we investigate the relationship between individual’s size and mate choice in relation to one’s own size and their respective mate’s size using the sailfin tetra, a sexually dimorphic Amazonian fish species. We show that ornaments of larger males are exponentially more conspicuous, and larger females are more fecund and carry larger eggs. Contrary to expectation, neither males nor females associated for longer with the larger of two offered potential mates. Instead, individuals of both genders chose opposite-sex individuals of similar sizes to themselves. Additionally, similar-sized pairs were more likely to spawn than couples with higher size asymmetries. Based on field observations, we propose that prudent choice should be particularly important in this system, since courtship is long (often taking several days), which offers opportunities for mate takeover. Intrasexual competition; however, cannot readily explain female choice for similar-sized males. It is suggested that such preference might be best explained by avoidance of filial cannibalism. 



After the seminar, we will have coffee time prepare a space for coffee and casual chatting.


We have 3 amazing speakers for this special event!


15:00~16:00: Elio Borghezan

16:00~17:00: Iki Murase

17:00~18:00: Marta Quitiána 

18:00~ Coffee time and chat

自分と同じような相手と: アマゾン魚、セイルフィンテトラにおける同サイズ個体間でのペア交配 

エリオ・ボールゲザン(D3, 京都大学)

共同研究者: Kalebe da Silva Pinto, Jansen Zuanon, Tiago Henrique da Silva Pires



Spatio-temporal variation in life history traits of an amphidromous fish 

Iki Murase (JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus)

Coauthors: Irie Takahiro, Kei'ichiro Iguchi


Studying the geographic variation in temperature-dependent phenotypic patterns of organisms is important to predict their responses to environmental changes. Recently, anthropogenic climate change modifies the original geographic and seasonal variations of sea surface temperature (SST), which likely affects the temperature-dependent phenotypic patterns in aquatic organisms. The amphidromous fish ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, is a species suitable for examining geographic variations in life history traits because this species is distributed in wide latitudinal range (from the southwestern part of Hokkaido to Kagoshima). Using otolith analyses, latitudinal clines of growth rates (mm/day) and growth period (day) in the marine stage, and the body length (mm) at upstream migration were compared between the Sea of Japan side (SJS) and Pacific Ocean side (POS) of individuals collected in 2001 (n = 231) and 2019 (n = 247). In the 2001 populations, the growth rates and growth period showed negative and positive latitudinal clines in both the SJS and POS. The fish collected in 2019 had higher growth rates and shorter growth period than those collected in 2001. Our findings demonstrate that water temperature is responsible for the observed geographic patterns in life history traits, and are consistent with the patterns likely caused by the global warming-driven microgeographic/seasonal changes of coastal SST.



共同研究者: 入江貴博, 井口恵一朗



Sayonara, bees: Impacts of invasive species on the pollination interaction network of The Ogasawara Islands 

Marta Quitiána (Postdoctoral Researcher, Tokyo Metropolitan University)

Coauthors: Isaac D. Planas-Sitja, Anna Traveset, Simón M. Tierneya, Adam L. Cronin


Introduction of invasive species can cause strong imbalances in ecosystem functioning, especially in sensitive oceanic islands with high endemism because the inhabitants and the interactions between them have evolved in isolation. The Ogasawara Islands of Japan is an oceanic archipelago of World Heritage status (~1,000km S of Tokyo), which in recent decades has faced increasing disturbance from invasive species including the Green anole (Anolis carolinensis) and the European honey bee (Apis mellifera). These invasive species can have strong direct and indirect effects through predation and competition on the native island pollination system which, among other pollinator groups, it originally comprised nine native bee species from social (Certainini, Xylocopini) and solitary (Lithurgini, Megachilini, Osmini) lineages. In this study, we use an ecological network approach to compare islands with different degrees of impact from invasion. We present preliminary data on how these invasive species have affected the original island pollinator community and how this has influenced pollination interaction networks in different islands.


マルタ・キティアナ (博士研究員, 東京都立大学)

共同研究者: Isaac D. Planas-Sitja, Anna Traveset, Simón M. Tierneya, Adam L. Cronin


侵入種の導入は、生態系機能に強い不均衡をもたらす可能性がある。特に固有種の多い海洋島では、生息種と種間相互作用が孤立して進化してきたため、侵入種の影響に敏感である。日本の小笠原諸島は、世界遺産に登録されている海洋群島(東京の南方約1,000km)であり、ここ数十年間で、グリーンアノール(Anolis carolinensis)やヨーロッパミツバチ(Apis mellifera)などの外来種による攪乱が増加している。これらの外来種は、捕食や競争を通じて、島の在来種の受粉システムに直接的・間接的な影響を与える可能性がある。また、島の在来種の受粉システムは、社会性(Certainini, Xylocopini)と単独性(Lithurgini, Megachilini, Osmini)の系統からなる9種のハナバチにより構成されている。本研究では、生態ネットワークの手法を用いて、侵入による影響の度合いが異なる島々を比較した。これらの侵入種が元々の島の送粉者群集にどのような影響を与えたか、そしてそれが各島の受粉相互作用ネットワークにどのような影響を与えたかについての予備データをもとに紹介する。 

#3: Nov. 19. 2021 (Fri) 16:00~

第3回: 2021年11月19日 (金) 16:00~

Light-weight GPS-loggers reveal the movement behavior of the Japanese greater horseshoe bat in semi-natural and anthropogenic landscapes

Olga Heim (Postdoctoral researcher, Doshisha University)

Coauthors: Emyo Fujioka, Takuya Maekawa, Genki Nakai, Dai Fukui, Shizuko Hiryu


Previous light-weight GPS-logger studies elucidated navigation and social foraging behavior of bats and revealed how landscape characteristics shape movement patterns. We hypothesize that the Japanese greater horseshoe bat’s movement behavior is influenced by the landscape context (semi-natural vs. anthropogenic), resulting in differences in movement measures. GPS data from 8 females (19 trips), collected from 2015 to 2018 in semi-natural (Hokkaido) and anthropogenic (Fukui) landscapes of Japan, were analyzed for differences in total flight distance and foraging behavior. For the latter, we excluded data logged with large intervals (semi-natural landscape: n=2) and classified each trip’s GPS-points into “foraging” or “commuting” categories using DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering). Bats in the semi-natural landscape traveled farther (10.5±2.6 km per trip) and potentially used more foraging grounds while spending less time per patch (11±3 min) than bats in the anthropogenic landscape (2.9±0.6 km; 53±8 min). Furthermore, bats in the semi-natural landscape exclusively used forests during foraging, while bats in the anthropogenic landscape also used residential areas. We conclude that our results appear to be in agreement with predictions from the marginal value theorem, so that bats in a semi-natural landscape might be increasing energy intake by frequently leaving a foraging patch for a more profitable one, while bats in the anthropogenic landscape might be reducing flight costs by traveling to few foraging patches and exploiting them for a longer time period.

After the seminar, we will have coffee time prepare a space for coffee and casual chatting.



16:00~16:30: seminar

16:30~17:00: questions and discussion

17:00~: mixer



軽量GPSロガーによる半自然景観と人為的景観におけるキクガシラコウモリ(Rhinolophus nippon)の移動行動の解明

オルガ・ハイム(博士研究員, 同志社大学)

共同研究者: 藤岡慧明、前川卓也、中井元貴、福井大、飛龍志津子


これまでの軽量GPSロガーを用いた研究により、コウモリのナビゲーションや社会的な採餌行動が明らかになり、景観の特徴が移動パターンを形成することが解明されてきた。本研究では、ニホンキクガシラコウモリの移動行動は、景観の状況(半自然と人為的)に影響をうけ、移動の測定値に違いが生じるという仮説を立てた。2015年から2018年にかけて、日本の半自然景観(北海道)と人為的景観(福井県)で採取した8頭の雌(19回の移動)のGPSデータを分析し、総飛行距離と採餌行動の違いを調べた。後者については、大きな間隔で記録されたデータ(半自然景観:n=2)を除外し、DBSCAN(Density-Based Spatial Clustering)を用いて、各トリップのGPSポイントを「採餌」または「通勤」に分類した。半自然景観のコウモリは、人為的景観のコウモリに比べて、より遠くまで移動し多くの採餌場を利用した可能性があったが(半自然:10.5±2.6km、人為:2.9±0.6km)、パッチあたりの滞在時間は短かかった(半自然:11±3分、人為:53±8分)。さらに、半自然景観のコウモリは採餌時に森林のみを利用していたが、人為的景観のコウモリは住宅地も利用していた。この結果は、「限界値の定理」から得られる予測と一致していると考えられる。つまり、半自然景観のコウモリは、より収益性の高い採餌場に頻繁に移動することでエネルギー摂取量を増やす一方、人為的景観のコウモリは、少数の採餌場に移動してより長い期間利用することで飛行コストを削減している可能性がある。

#2: Oct. 15. 2021 (Fri) 15:00~

第2回: 2021年10月15日 (金) 15:00~

A flexible food-for-protection mutualism with ants in a range-expanding lycaenid butterfly 

Yui Nakabayashi (D2, Kyoto Prefectural University)


Mutualistic relationships reciprocally provide benefits between species, but dissolution of the mutualisms could be advantageous in the environment where the relationship is unnecessary. A lycaenid butterfly, Arhopala japonica, shows facultative mutualism with ants, where ant attendance is not essential for the survival of A. japonica larvae but the larvae rely on ants to protect from natural enemies. A. japonica is distributed originally in the western part of Japan, but recently this species is expanding their range to the northern part of the Honshu Island. Interestingly, my recent field survey reveals that A. japonica larvae are never parasitized by a specialist braconid parasitoid that are abundant in the western part of Japan. Moreover, laboratory experiments demonstrate significantly reduced attraction for ants in the northern population compared with those in the western populations. These results suggest that A. japonica larvae have flexibility to adjust the extent of relationships with ants, and such flexibility may play an important role in the process of the range expansion of A. japonica.

After the seminar, we will coffee time prepare a space for coffee and casual chatting.

Registration: https://forms.gle/io78MjYkLGkry8QE6


15:00~15:30: seminar

15:30~16:00: questions and discussion

16:00~: mixer


中林 ゆい (D2, 京都府立大学)




参加登録: https://forms.gle/io78MjYkLGkry8QE6

15:00~15:30: seminar

15:30~16:00: questions and discussion

16:00~: mixer

#1: Sep. 17. 2021 (Fri) 15:00~

第1回: 2021年9月17日 (金) 15:00~

Improving the reliability of species distribution models by incorporating genetic and physiological knowledge

Zhang Zhixin (Postdoctoral researcher, Arctic Research Center, Hokkaido University)


Species distribution models (SDMs) represent an important tool to estimate species’ habitat suitability and have been widely applied across fields, including conservation biology, biological invasions, and climate change. Despite the popularity, traditional correlative SDMs are known to have important limits; therefore, to better inform management and conservation strategies, it is critical to improve the reliability of SDM predictions. In the first case study, we focused on the Japanese crayfish, which has two distinct genetic lineages, and addressed that SDMs below the species level lead to more realistic predictions. In the second case study, we used the Japanese sea cucumber as a model species owing to its pronounced sensitivity to high temperatures. Our results showed that the physiologically informed SDMs always yield biologically meaningful response curves and, importantly, are insensitive to the choice of study extent. In brief summary, our results highlight that incorporating genetic and physiological information into SDMs can result in more realistic predictions.

Zhang Zhixin , PhD,  Postdoctoral researcher, Arctic Research Center, Hokkaido University

After the seminar, we will prepare coffee/mixer space for English interactions.

Registration: https://forms.gle/gwqViA383xVavQaF8 


15:00~15:30: seminar

15:30~16:00: questions and discussion

16:00~: mixer


Zhang Zhixin (博士研究員,北海道大学北極域研究センター)


種の分布モデル(Species distribution models: SDM)は,種の生息適性を推定するための重要なツールであり,保全生物学,生物学的侵入,気候変動などの分野で広く応用されている.しかし,従来の相関的なSDMには重要な限界があることが知られている.したがって,管理や保全戦略をよりよく伝えるためには,SDMによる予測の信頼性を向上させることが大切である.1つ目のケーススタディでは,2つの異なる遺伝子系統を持つニホンザリガニに着目し,種レベル以下のSDMがより現実的な予測につながることを取り上げる.また,2つ目のケーススタディでは,高温に敏感なマナマコをモデル種として用いた.その結果,生理学的な情報を考慮するSDMは,常に生物学的に意味のある応答曲線をもたらし,重要なことに,調査範囲に影響されないことがわかった.以上の結果から,SDMに遺伝的・生理的情報を組み込むことで,より現実的な予測が可能になることが明らかとなった.



General email: jee.english.seminar@gmail.com

Jamie M. Kass | OIST Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit | jamie.m.kass@gmail.com

Nobuaki Mizumoto | OIST Evolutionary Genomics Unit | nobuaki.mzmt@gmail.com

Haruna Fujioka | Okayama University | fujioka.ha@gmail.com