NLP+CSS at ACL 2017

NLP+CSS: Second Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science

August 3, 2017, Vancouver, Canada, at ACL 2017

Includes an option for non-archival paper submissions, as well as invited talks, panels, and a poster session.

Paper submission deadline: May 8, 2017 (see below)

Organizers: David Bamman (UC Berkeley) A. Seza Doğruöz (independent researcher), Dirk Hovy (U. of Copenhagen), David Jurgens (Stanford), Brendan O'Connor (UMass Amherst), Oren Tsur (Harvard/Northeastern), Svitlana Volkova (PNNL)

Email to contact organizers: nlp-and-css -at-

On Twitter: @NLPandCSS

Newly posted! ➡ Accepted Papers

The workshop will have the following format:

This workshop follows the ACL Anti-Harassment Policy.

Schedule (August 3)

Submission Details

We invite research on any of the following general topics:

Areas of interest include all levels of linguistic analysis and social sciences, including (but not limited to): phonology, syntax, pragmatics, stylistics, economics, psychology, sociology, sociolinguistics, political science, geography, and public health.

We especially invite graduate students from both disciplines (i.e. social sciences and NLP) and connect them with experts in the respective other field (e.g. NLP student with an expert in social sciences or vice versa). We would like to again provide mentorship for social science students who could not otherwise attend a computer science conference.

We invite both long and short papers of interest to be submitted through  Long papers should present new and substantial contributions related to the workshop’s theme. Short papers may be a small and focused contribution or describe a work in progress.  While all submissions will be reviewed equally, authors can choose a non-archival submission, since some social sciences do not accept journal articles published in archived proceedings before.

Papers will follow the ACL Style guidelines.  Long papers are recommended to be 8 pages, with a maximum length of 10 pages including references; short papers are recommended to 4 pages with a maximum length of 5.

While all submissions will be reviewed equally, authors can optionally choose a non-archival submission, or else the standard archival submission option.

Important Dates

May 8, 2017: submission deadline

May 22, 2017: notification date

May 31, 2017: camera-ready submission

Workshop (one day): August 3, 2017, Vancouver, Canada