Call for papers


This fourth edition of the NLP+CSS workshop builds on several successful editions with many interdisciplinary submissions. The goal is to make NLP techniques and insights standard practice in CSS research.

Our focus is on NLP for social sciences - to continue the progress of CSS, and to integrate CSS with current trends and techniques in NLP. 

We especially invite graduate students from both disciplines (i.e. social sciences and NLP) to apply, and connect with experts in the respective other field (e.g. NLP student with an expert in social sciences or vice versa).

Important Dates

Submission Details

All papers will have to follow the EMNLP 2020 Style guidelines. The relevant style files can be found here:

They use the required two-column layout, font sizes, and spacing. Incorrectly formatted papers will be desk-rejected. Please ask the organizers if you have any further questions.


We invite research on any of the following general topics:

Areas of interest include all levels of linguistic analysis and social sciences, including (but not limited to):