Version Log

This is a log for the different versions of Illuminatus.

Version 1.0.0: Released 8/4/2017 & accepted 8/7/2017.

Version 1.0.1: Released 4/22/2018 & accepted 4/23/2018.

Here's what's new with this version:

  • Fixed an HOM issue with a lift on MAP15.

Version 1.0.5: Released & accepted 12/28/2018.

Here's what's new with this version:

  • Fixed a critical error on MAP30 with the trap gate not going up. Special thanks to this playthrough video from TheV1perK1ller of YouTube for letting me know of this.

  • Fixed another error in MAP15 by removing an accidental secret sector effect in one of the secret areas.

  • Removed one of the secret sector effects in MAP10, as it had a switch that leads to another secret sector effect.

  • Fixed the issue with the crusher machine special effect on MAP12 by making the effect unavoidable. It was avoidable in the older version by climbing up on the wings of the ship in the starting area.

  • Made some modifications to weapon, ammo, health & armor, and powerup thing placement in the maps MAP05, MAP10, MAP11, MAP12, and MAP15 to make things easier for players.

Version 1.0.7: Released 1/20/2019 & accepted 1/21/2019.

Here's what's new with this version:

  • Added even more ammo to MAP10-MAP12 to make things easier for those maps.

  • Modified enemy placement and some textures, as well as add more things on MAP10.

  • Added new weapon on MAP12.

  • Added a GAMEINFO lump for modern source ports to give the startup window a new title.

  • Fixed the file SKY1 as it had empty space at the very top.

Version 1.0.8: Released 12/1/2019 & accepted 12/2/2019.

Here's what's new with this version:

  • Made some minor texture modifications to MAP09.

  • Made some minor adjustments to ammo on MAP25.

  • Fixed a HOM effect found on linedef 1557 in MAP26.

Version 1.0.83: Released 4/14/2020 & accepted 4/15/2020.

Here's what's new with this version:

  • Made a fix to MAP30 that adds a small door so you can get back to the final boss area if you were to die in cooperative mode.

  • Added a bit more ammo to MAP25.

  • Made a slight edit to MAP04.

Version 1.0.9: Released 4/14/2021 & accepted 4/17/2021.

Here's what's new with this version:

  • Made a very small change to MAP23 by applying the 'Block Monster' setting to linedef 1311.

  • Made a new DeHackEd file for the WAD included in the ZIP file, which is compatible with source ports such as Boom, PrBoom, etc.

Version 1.1.0: Released & accepted 10/17/2022.

Here's what's new with this version:

  • Changed the ceiling heights of sectors 194 & 195 in MAP01.

  • Made minor adjustments to room with switch to lower small wall in MAP02.

  • Made slight adjustments to one of steel hallways on MAP05.

  • Made minor adjustments to texture alignment on linedef 1788 on MAP06.

  • Made adjustments to texturing in computer area (around sector 183) on MAP08.

  • Changed the floor height of sector 209 in MAP09.

  • Made adjustments to some textures in first and final areas in MAP11.

  • Fixed heights of sectors 274, 276, 277, 278, 279 & 280 in MAP32.

  • Added new teleports to MAP32 you can use to get back into the final room if you were to die in cooperative mode.

  • Made slight changes to linedef textures around secotor 80 in MAP16.

  • Made slight changes to lengths of sectors 9 & 10 in MAP18.

  • Gave sector 176 a new tag and linedef 587 action 36 in MAP25, which was done so you can get back into the final room if you were to die in cooperative mode.

  • Changed the lengths of sectors 103, 106, 108, 110 & 112 in MAP25.

  • Changed the action of linedef 710 from action 109 to action 105 on MAP30.

  • Realigned the pipe textures above final boss in MAP30.

Version 1.1.1: Released 11/30/2022 & accepted 12/1/2022.

Here's what's new with this version:

  • Made even more adjustments to one of steel hallways on MAP05.

  • Realigned the textures around sectors 300, 299, and 372 on MAP14.

  • Fixed the height of sector 81 on MAP25.

  • Realigned some of the textures on MAP28.

Version 1.1.17: Released 12/29/2022 & accepted 12/31/2022.

Here's what's new with this version:

  • Made some changes to the MAPINFO lump, including some slight modifications to the map titles, as well as some changes to the cluster enter/exit text screens.

  • Changed texturing around sector 24 in MAP03.

  • Changed texturing around sectors 12, 43, 73, 280, 281, 350, 354, 359, modified lengths of sectors 12 & 14, and made multiple edits to building area near big outdoor area in MAP04.

  • Changed texturing around sectors 83, 91 & 232 in MAP05.

  • Made some slight edits to sector 294, and changed texturing around sector 201 in MAP06.

  • Changed texturing around sector 97 in MAP08.

  • Changed texturing around sectors 105, 110 & 319 in MAP10.

  • Changed texturing around sector 489 in MAP11.

  • Changed texturing around sector 385 in MAP12.

  • Changed texturing around sectors 311, 325 & 334 in MAP13.

  • Made an edit to the secret exit area in MAP15, where you can choose which secret exit to go through, which will determine your fate in the secret map.

  • Slightly changed texturing offset for linedef 335, as well as changed vertices placement for sector 334 on MAP18.

  • Moved things 77-79 on MAP21.

  • Changed properties of thing 41, moved things 259-260, slightly changed height of sector 423, and changed vertices placement for sectors 108-109, 240 & 242 on MAP22.

  • Moved things things 178 & 180, as well as changed properties of things 169-172 & 209-212 on MAP23.

  • Changed properties of things 348-351 on MAP24.

  • Changed positions of things in sector 196, as well as changed properties of things 483-486 on MAP25.

  • Changed properties of things 441-442, changed the positions of things 488-489, and changed texturing around sectors 258 & 264 on MAP26.

  • Changed positions of things in sector 309, changed the properties of the decoration things in sector 275, and changed the texture offsets on linedefs 1292 & 1474-1475 in MAP27.

  • Changed thing properties and placements for sectors 275 & 283 in MAP29.

  • Changed properties of things 180-181, as well as changed positions of things in sectors 148 & 150 in MAP31.

Version 1.1.4: Released 1/4/2023 & accepted 1/8/2023.

  • Changed heights of outdoor areas, made adjustments around textures to sector 158, changed wall texture for one of secret areas, and made other slight adjustments in MAP01.

  • Made adjustments around sector 27, change height of sector 251, and made other slight adjustments in MAP02.

  • Changed heights of sectors 0 & 1, and made other slight adjustments in MAP03.

  • Made slight changes to outdoor area and maze area in MAP04.

  • Made slight changes to ICKWALL area and gave linedef 659 new texture on MAP05.

  • Changed some stuff in sector 249 in MAP13.

  • Reset horizontal offsets of most uses of the textures BRONZE1, BRONZE4, BROWN1, BROWN96, BROWNGRN, BROWNPIP, NUKESLAD & SLADWALL on multiple maps, and made other slight changes to the maps MAP06-MAP12, MAP14-MAP20, MAP22, MAP24, & MAP26.

  • Made massive changes to MAP29 as the previous version was over the 65.535 KB BLOCKMAP limit, which would cause a critical error in original DOS version and similar classic source ports. Special thanks to ​​​Tomasz Zakrzewski (@Titanic1337) of Twitter for pointing this out.

  • Moved things 659, 663 & 767 around, and changed properties for things 46 & 662 on MAP32.

  • Made slight edit to MAPINFO lump.