Open Plan Lasagne

Serves 2

Takes 50 mins assuming that you have already made the marinara sauce

This delicious recipe, inspired by one our neighbours Jim & Rachel & Cami & Albi made for us, dispenses with the more usual bechamel and uses burrata/mozarella instead. The way the pasta goes cheesey-crunchy around the edges is excellent, and the fruity tomato and zingy mushrooms work very well together. This is definitely a recipe to convert meat eaters to loving vegetarian food

160mls Marinara Sauce

150g Chestnut or Portobello mushrooms, cut into 2cm chunks

1 tblspn Balsamic Reduction

1 tblspn olive oil

6 sheets dried lasagne pasta sheets. We use ones which are 18cm by 8cm

200g Burrata cheese, torn into 12 pieces. Good mozzarella also works well

Salad leaves to serve

  • Turn your oven on to 200C
  • Rub the mushrooms all over with the Balsamic Reduction and the olive oil. Season well. Spread out in a single layer on the baking tray and cook for 20-25 minutes until they’ve absorbed the liquid and shrunken but not completely dried out
  • Meanwhile, bring a large saucepan of salted water to a rolling boil and drop the pasta sheets in. Boil them for 4 minutes
  • Place a silicon sheet on a baking tray
  • When the pasta is cooked, drain well. To build each lasagne, place one pasta sheet on the silicon paper. Fold over one end of the pasta by about 3cm. This will help to make those lovely crunchy cheesy bits at the edge. Place a quarter of the marinara and mushroom mix. Then place another sheet of pasta over, folding again, then place the second quarter of the marinara and mushroom mix and three pieces of burrata on it. Put the final sheet of pasta and top with the remaining three pieces of burrata on top.
  • Repeat the whole process for the other three sheets of pasta. You’ll end up with two open plan lasagne stacks next to each other
  • Place in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. When they’re done, carefully lift them onto two dinner plates, add some salad leaves and a splash of olive oil and serve