Broccoli Umami Appetiser

Serves 6 – two spoons per person

Takes 10 minutes

This recipe is an amazing (and nutritious) amuse bouche, filled with complementary flavours and textures; the combination of the pine nuts, parmesan and truffle is especially appetising, and goes beautifully with the fresh green taste of the just-cooked broccoli. You’ll need either 12 Chinese soup spoons or maybe little shot glasses to serve. You can be creative with the shaved cheese. Go for a hard cheese with a sweet intense flavour – a sheep’s Asiago is lovely but difficult to get in the UK, we’ve done it with Umbriaco and Provolone

12 tenderstem broccoli florets, neatly trimmed

Sea salt flakes (ideally smoked)

Truffle oil (Supernature is an excellent brand)

12g finely grated parmesan cheese

12g Hard cheese (see above), shaved into skinny slivers

40g toasted pine nuts

  • Blitz ¾ of the pine nuts till a smooth powder. Chop the remaining ¼ roughly, add to the powder then mix in the Parmesan cheese
  • Steam the broccoli florets for 3 mins and refresh under cold water and drain very well. Set aside
  • To assemble, put 4 drops of truffle oil in the bottom of each spoon (about ¼ of a teaspoon). Top with a teaspoon of the pine nut mix, tamped down a little, then add a broccoli floret, a tiny sprinkle of salt and 3 slivers of the hard cheese on to. Serve immediately. You can reload the spoons quite quickly should anyone want a second helping…