Broad Bean, Pea and New Potato Quesadillas

Serves 4 people as a main meal

Takes 40 mins

This lovely dish makes the most of fresh broad beans in spring. Whilst seemingly rustic, it is actually very sophisticated; the flavours come through in layers. It will also work well with frozen beans. We normally cook this as an evening meal for two, and eat the remaining quesadillas for lunch the next day; they are great hold or cold. You can also make the filling in advance to help the flavours meld together. The mint and tarragon amounts are deliberately vague as the intensity of their flavours vary according to the time of year. We suggest that you add them gradually and taste as you go along to get the right balance for you. If you use the full amount of chillies the bean/potato mix initially tastes quite fiery, then when you add the cheese and cook them in the tortillas, the heat suddenly calms down

225g new potatoes, cut in half if big

4 tbsp olive oil plus extra for brushing

1 medium onion, finely chopped

1 heaped tbsp finely chopped chives

1-2 de arbol chillies, finely chopped (according to taste)

1 fresh chilli, finely chopped (according to taste)

150g broad beans (fresh or frozen)

150g frozen peas (fresh or frozen)

Juice of 1 lime

small handful of finely chopped mint

small handful of finely chopped tarragon (dill also works)

45g feta cheese, crumbled

80g cheddar or hard goats cheese

4 corn and flour tortillas

Salad to serve and chipotle sauce if you have it . Avocado works well too

  • Steam or boil the potatoes until soft. Drain and set aside, but retain the water in the pan if you are using a steamer to cook the beans and peas
  • Meanwhile, heat 3 tablespoons of the oil in a saucepan and fry the onion, chives and chilli(es) over a medium heat for 8 minutes until the onion is softened but not browned
  • Now steam or cook the broad beans in boiling water for 4 minutes (a minute less if they are fresh), then add the peas and cook for a further 3 minutes (a minute less if they are fresh)
  • Place the potatoes, onion mixture, bean/pea mixture, remaining olive oil, lime juice and herbs (adding gradually) in a bowl, mix well and mash with a potato masher/slatted spoon. Taste and adjust herb and seasoning bearing in mind that the feta is quite salty. Add both cheeses, and mash some more to get a roughly chopped consistency, with pieces of beans and potato intact but also smooth peas and cheese. You may need to add a little more oil if the mixture is too stiff
  • Divide the filling in four. Spread each quarter over one half of a tortilla, fold over and press down gently – the filling shouldn’t ooze out. Repeat with the other ones, and brush with a little oil. Heat a pan over a medium heat and dry fry over a low to medium heat until golden and crisp on each side
  • Cut in half, and serve two halves per person with a salad