Bengali Kedgeree

Serves 4

Takes 45 minutes

This warm, comforting, fresh and fruity tasting kedgeree goes very well with meat and fish curries, and also makes a lovely weekday dinner.

100g small green lentils

½ tspn ground turmeric

¼ tspn ground cumin

1 large onion, very finely chopped

1 cm piece ginger, very very finely chopped. If you can mash it to a pulp with the flat of a chopping knife blade, even better

2 fresh green chillies, very very finely chopped

100g basmati rice

1 large tomato, skinned and seeded and chopped

1 dstspn chopped fresh coriander leaves

Juice of a lemon

  • Rinse the lentils, put them in a pan with 500mls of water, bring to a boil, and simmer gently, uncovered, for 30 minutes, or until they’re just cooked, and almost all the water has evaporated

  • Meanwhile, cook the rice as per this recipe using 180mls of water

  • Once the lentils and rice are cooked, heat some coconut or vegetable oil in a medium sized saucepan and add the onion and cumin, and cook till the onions are soft and translucent. Add the ginger and chillies and cook for a couple of minutes, then add the lentils, then gently stir in the rice - you’re trying not to bash the lentils too much, as you don’t want them to break up and go all mushy. Add the tomatoes and stir gently over a low heat until the toms go soft. Gently stir in most of the coriander leaves and lemon juice, check the seasoning, and serve