Classic Smooth Fish Soup

Serves 4.

Takes an hour and a half

There is a fantastic fish restaurant in Glasgow called Rogano. It’s decorated to look like a 1930s ocean liner on the inside, and as you walk in through the door the lovely welcoming smell of a great fish restaurant hits you; fish, wine, herbs, butter. It does what is possibly the best smooth fish soup in the world, served with Rouille and parmesan toast. Edwina spent ages trying to replicate it – this is very close to their version. You will need either a really good liquidiser for this or have patience with a large sieve. A good tip here is to remember to count the prawns as they go in, so that when it comes to shelling them later, you are sure to get them all.

900g mixed white fish, skinned and chopped into chunks

butter to fry

75g each of roughly chopped onion, celery, leek and fennel bulb

200g of tinned chopped tomatoes

1 small red pepper, deseeded and chopped

Juice of ½ an orange plus 2 pared strips of orange zest

1 bay leaf

2 sprigs of thyme

Pinch of saffron strands

100g of raw unpeeled prawns

1.2 litres of Vegetable Nage or Stock or fish stock

½ tsp cayenne pepper

salt and pepper


Small French baguette

25g finely grated Parmesan cheese

  • Gently fry the vegetables in butter for 20 minutes, until soft but not coloured. Add the orange zest, tomatoes, red pepper, bay leaf, thyme, saffron, prawns and fish. Cook briskly for 2-3 minutes, then add the stock and orange juice. Bring back to boil and simmer for 40 minutes

  • Remove the orange zest, and peel prawns, discarding shells, head etc. Return prawns to pan

  • Liquidise the soup really well. Season. You now have a choice. It could either be served as it is with a slightly thick consistency, or if you are after classic French cuisine, then force through a fairly coarse sieve. (If it is too fine you will lose the flavour of the fish)

  • For the croutons, slice the baguette and bake in the oven on a low heat until beginning to colour. Sprinkle parmesan on top. Cook for a further 2 minutes until cheese has melted

  • Serve in bowls with croutons floating on top and a small serving of rouille (for garlic lovers)