Mixed Leaf Salad with Mozzarella, Mint, Peach and Prosciutto

Serves 2, takes minutes to make

This is nice and fresh and zingy, the herbs are the tipping point in this great little recipe – they make all the difference. The coconutty croutons are superb, they'll work well with any bread, but with sourdough they are really really tasty. Artichoke hearts go well too, as do radishes

3 large ripe peaches or nectarines

4 slices prosciutto

2 balls mozzerella

a good handful of fresh mint and/or lemon verbena, roughly chopped

Mixed salad leaves

A very light salad dressing (usually 3 parts olive oil to 1 of lemon juice) or Classic Vinaigrette

2 thick slices Sourdough, cut into 10cm cubes

Coconut oil

  • Skin and chop the peaches/nectarines roughly
  • Chop the mozzerella into similar sized bits
  • Dress two plates with the fruit, the leaves, the herbs and the mozzerella, and splash a scant teaspoon full of dressing over each plate
  • Fry the bread cubes in coconut oil in a hot frying pan till they start to brown, then sprinkle over the plates and serve immediately