Thai Fishcakes

Serves 2 as a main course, 4 as a starter.

Takes 20 minutes

Thai fishcakes have become a bit of a cliché, but these are worth revisiting, as they are lovely; juicy and flavoursome, with a great Thai taste. Serve with Tomato and Chilli Jelly and fresh green salad. The Red Thai curry mix can be frozen.

700g sustainable white fish e.g. haddock, pollock, ling or coley roughly chopped

1 large red pepper extremely finely chopped

1 tbsp red Thai curry mix


Chopped coriander leaves to serve.

Red Thai curry mix

2 whole small red chillies (the hot ones)

1 very finely sliced lemon grass stalk and soaked in 2 tbsp lime juice

1 rounded tsp lime zest very fine grated

1 thumb ginger, finely chopped

1 heaped tbsp chopped coriander stalks

1/2 tsp roasted and then ground cumin seeds

1/2 tsp coriander powder

3 cloves garlic (optional)

2 small shallots very finely chopped.

The Red Thai curry mix:-

  • Liquidise all Red Thai curry mix ingredients together to create a smooth paste. Add a little water or coconut milk if necessary. Decant

The fishcakes:-

  • Add fish to liquidiser; add a tbsp curry mix to it. Whiz until fairly smooth; what you want here is for it to be mostly a smooth fish paste, but with the occasional chunk here and there

  • Tip the fish mix into a mixing bowl, and add the chopped red peppers. Make into small patties about 50mm in diameter, and 25mm thick. Place them carefully on a plate as you go

  • Place in the fridge to chill for at least 2 hours

  • Fry the fishcakes in hot oil until crisp on both sides but still soft and fragrant in the middle. Serve with chopped coriander leaves

  • You can place the plate in the freezer until they're frozen, then put into a freezer box. Thaw before frying