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Performativité et économie

Ces textes s'inscrivent directement dans l'optique de mon travail de thèse, dont l'objectif est d'inscrire la notion de performativité dans un cadre théorique permettant d'appréhender les échecs performatifs, à savoir les cas dans lesquels l'économie discipline ne parvient pas à modeler le monde social à son image.

Abstract : The goal of this paper is to provide a methodological perspective on economic models that accounts for some sociological dimensions of economics, in two (distinct but related) senses. Firstly, we are interested in how modeling is an activity that is constrained by the (implicit and explicit) rules underlying the accumulation of academic prestige within economics and at the same time can be a means to change these rules. Secondly, we are interested in how, for a given model, this dynamic can be influenced by the use(s) of that model outside of economics. 

Histoire de la pensée économique Française sous l'occupation (projet de recherche)

Résumé : De par son rôle au sein de la fondation Carrel, François Perroux participe de la dynamique disciplinaire propre au régime de Vichy. Cette dynamique consiste en une alliance croissante entre traditionalisme et certains pans des sciences les plus « modernes » de l’époque. Une alliance reposant sur des bénéfices mutuels. Il s’agit de mettre l’expertise au service de l’ordre moral, et réciproquement. 

Résumé : De par son rôle au sein de la fondation Carrel, François Perroux participe de la dynamique disciplinaire propre au régime de Vichy. Cette dynamique consiste en une alliance croissante entre traditionalisme et certains pans des sciences les plus « modernes » de l’époque. Une alliance reposant sur des bénéfices mutuels. Il s’agit de mettre l’expertise au service de l’ordre moral, et réciproquement. 

Résumé : On étudie dans ce travail la manière dont un intellectuel majeur du régime de Vichy, François Perroux, envisage les régimes autoritaires européens. Principalement l'Allemagne National Socialiste, l'Italie Fasciste, l'Autriche de Dollfuss et le Portugal de Salazar. Au-delà de l'histoire de la pensée sous l'État Français, ce travail entend contribuer au debat relatif à l'idéologie du régime.

Résumé : L’article analyse les écrits de François Perroux de l’entre-deux-guerres jusqu’à la période du régime de Vichy. Ce faisant, l’article montre en particulier qu’à travers sa conceptualisation d’une Communauté de travail, pensée comme la fusion des activité et des consciences, Perroux cherche à tenir ensemble mystique sociale et organisation politique. Un effort de rationalisation de l’irrationnel dont le Chef politique est le principal dépositaire par sa capacité à incarner le Mythe national qui doit orienter par le haut la Communauté de travail. Cette interprétation nous permet de situer intellectuellement Perroux vis-à-vis d’éléments structurants du discours vichyste.

Philosophie économique et histoire de la pensée économique.

Les travaux suivants abordent des questionnements plus larges, portant à la fois sur les présupposés ontologiques des théories économiques et sur les outils économiques utilisés pour aborder le monde social.

Résumé : In this paper I intend to show how the social and political acceptance of Roth's market design for Kidneys allows to position about some explanation of the rejection of market logic. I wish to address three hypotheses generally cited as potential causes of the rejection of the market for certain goods: the corrupting nature of money (I), the idea that the market would be rejected as such (II), and the assumption that the basis for rejecting market would be the relationship of domination it implied  between seller and buyer. I think the example of the device developed by Roth, Ünver and Sönmez (2004; 2005) regarding the matching of organs from living donors allows qualify these three hypotheses in favor of a fourth one: the rejection of market for organ appears to be based not on the existence of potential domination, but on the fact that this market presupposes such domination. In other words, economic domination appears to be a prerequisite for the organ trade: if no domination, no market.

Abstract : The concept of emergence is frequently used in the social sciences in order to characterize social institutions. Nevertheless, philosophy of mind argues that the idea of emergence is problematic because it encompasses the dubious notion of downward causation, i.e. the fact that an entity at a given ontological level might have a causal influence on lower level entities. This work shows that although it is problematical in some fields, emergence is an ontological feature of the social world. In order to justify this point of view and to show how institutions relate to individuals actions, we use epistemic game theory. We define an institution as a correlated equilibrium, which enables us to show that the relationship between institution and individual actions is not only a causal one but also an intersubjective and a constitutive one.

Abstract : This paper tends to explain the paternalistic shift in Duflo and Banerjee’s recommendations against poverty. Carried by Esther Duflo, Abhijit Banerjee and the J-PAL, the randomization is now a major methodology in development economics. More than a simple experimental procedure, it supports an idea of development inspired by kahnemanian behavioral economics. As a result, Duflo’s project was inclined to propose, in a libertarian paternalism flavor, that margin sociotechnical devices could have great consequence to reduce poverty. Nevertheless, Duflo recently changed her perspective toward a more paternalistic view. The aim of the paper is to explain this shift in a methodological way.

Abstract : The rise of agent-based modeling (ABM, or agent-based models – ABMs) in the natural sciences and, more recently, in the social sciences has been made possible by the fast development of computational tools and techniques. Scientists have been increasingly interested in using ABM because it allows for the development of more complex and realistic models that would not be possible to solve through analytic methods. Many of the leading proponents of ABM argue that ABMs are precious devices to gain a better understanding of emergence – emergent processes and emergent entities. The main goal of this article is to question this idea. It shows that (i) ABMs rejects the classical definition of emergent properties that combines irreducibility and downward causation; (ii) this representation of emergent properties is nevertheless interesting and perfectly acceptable in social sciences and (iii) ABMs cannot model emergence in this strict understanding.