You can get to by CLICKING HERE. Below are tutorials that you can use as you navigate Arbiter Sports Online.

Marking Yourself Ready to Be Assigned

Make sure that you have marked yourself as ready to be assigned. You will not show as being available for games unless you have completed this process. 

Finding Your Schedule

As you move throughout the season you will need to check on your schedule. Your schedule will show for all organizations that you work in. 

Be sure to make sure that your filter is set to future games. 

There are some scrimmages/games that will be self-assigned. These games are first come first serve and will remain on the self-assign section of your site until it has been claimed  by an official. Once they have been claimed they will no longer appear on the self-assign tab. 

Creating Blocks

Please make sure that your blocks are up to date. It creates a lot of issues for your your directors as they attempt to distribute games when officials are not up to date with their blocks. 

If there is a team that you have a conflict with (family relationship, etc.) you have the ability to block specific teams from your schedule. This will prevent the assigner from assigning you to these games. 

If there is a specific partner that you wish to not work with you may block up to two partners. 

Make sure that your travel limits are set correctly. Please check for typos on your zip code so that you show as available to your assigner. 

Please be advised that you will not show as available to your assigner if your travel limits are not greater than or equal to your travel limits. If you are not receiving games there may be the chance that your travel limits are effecting your schedule. 

You have the ability to view your blocks on a PDF (Hard Copy). You may use this to check on ALL of your blocks including the zip code you are coming from, team blocks, and partner blocks.