Nguyen Van Hong


Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Hong

Position: Lecturer     

Address: Department of Computational Physics, Faculty of Engineering Physics,

Hanoi University of Science and Technology, No. 1 Dai Co Viet Road, Hanoi, Vietnam

Place of birth:      Haiduong, Vietnam

Nationality:          Vietnamese

Sex:                     Male

E-mail: ;


Engineer of Engineering Physics, Hanoi University of Technology, June, 1999

Subject: “elaboration and properties of high temperature silicon-base sensors”

Address: International Training Institute for Materials Science (ITIMS), ITIMS Bld.,  Dai hoc Bach Khoa Hanoi, 1 Dai Co Viet Road, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Master of Materials science, ITIMS, July, 2001

Subject: “Computer Simulation of Diffusion in disorder system ”

Address: Department of Computational Physics, Hanoi University of Technology, 1 Dai Co Viet Road,

Hanoi, Vietnam.

From Aug 2006 to Sept 2010, study PhD at Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT) and Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST).

Subject: Materials Science

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE                                                        

From December, 1998 to June 1999: Manufacturing “elaboration and properties of high temperature

silicon-base sensors” in clean room at ITIMS

From June, 1999 to July, 2001: Doing the master course at ITIMS

From July, 2001 to December  2005: Working at Department of computational physics, Institute of Engineering Physics, Hanoi University of technology (research area: microstructural Simulation of metals and Alloys)

From Jan. 2006 to April  2006: study Computer Network in CDAC, India.

From Aug. 2007 to Aug 2008: Study Simulation Materials and Semiconductor Devices in Japan.

From 09/09-2010/2013:  short term of atomic Energy in Budapest, Hungary (Trường Đại học Kỹ thuật và Kinh tế Budapest).

From 16/03/-22/03/2015: Visit RIKEN, Japan.

From 11/01/2016-08/04/2016: short term of atomic Energy in NUT, Japan.

From 02/09/2016-28/10/2016: Doing research in RIKEN, Japan.



   (Internatinal papers)    

================================National Paper==========================================


1. Mô phỏng cấu trúc của các hệ ôxít bằng phương pháp mô phỏng động lức học phân tử (sách chuyên khảo,  chủ biên), ISBN:978-604-9984-59-4, Nhà xuất bản Đại học Thái nguyên, In xong và nộp lưu chiểu Quý IV, 2020.

2.  Kĩ Thuật Mô phỏng trong vật lý (sách tham khảo, đồng tác giả), Nhà xuất bản Đại học sư phạm , In xong và nộp lưu chiểu Quý IV, 2014.

Computational Physics - Physics ( 

useful reference for calculation structure: Neutron scattering lenghts · Atomes documentation