
[Show Abstracts]


"Adverse Selection Dynamics in Privately-Produced Safe Debt Markets" AEJ:Macro (2024), Vol. 16 (1): pp. 441-468 [link][Online Appendix][Data and Code Repository][FEDS WP][NBER WP]

"Self-fulfilling Runs: Evidence from the U.S. Life Insurance Industry" The Journal of Political Economy (2020), Vol. 128, No. 9, pp. 3520-3569. [link][Online Appendix][FEDS WP]

"Over-the-Counter Market Liquidity and Securities Lending" Review of Economic Dynamics (2019), Vol. 33, pp. 272-294. [link][Online Appendix][FEDS WP][BIS WP]

"The Impact of Unconventional Monetary Policy on Firm Financing Constraints: Evidence from the Maturity Extension Program" Journal of Financial Economics (2016), Vol. 122(2), pp. 409-429. [link][FEDS WP][Philly Fed WP]

"Sovereign Debt Guarantees and Default: Lessons from the UK and Ireland, 1920-1938" European Economic Review (2016), Vol. 87, pp. 272-286. [link][final version]

"Capitalising on the Irish Land Question: Land Reform and State Banking in Ireland: 1891-1938" Financial History Review (2016), Vol. 23(1), pp. 71-109. [link][final version]

"US Real Interest Rates and Default Risk in Emerging Economies" Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2013), Vol. 45(5), pp. 967-975. [link][final version][IFDP]


Working papers:

"The Informational Centrality of Banks" [December 2023][FEDS WP][NBER WP]

"Measuring Interest Rate Risk Management by Financial Institutions" [August 2023][FEDS WP

"Are US Life Insurers the New Shadow Banks?" [April 2023

"Who Limits Arbitrage?" [June 2020]

"Securities Lending as Wholesale Funding: Evidence from the US Life Insurance Industry" [December 2019][NBER WP]

"The Timing of Default Over Electoral Terms" [IFDP]

Other publications: 

"How Do U.S. Life Insurers Manage Liquidity in Times of Stress" FEDS Notes. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, August 23, 2022

"Assessing the Size of the Risks Posed by Life Insurers' Nontraditional Liabilities" FEDS Notes. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, May 21, 2019. 

"Funding Agreement-Backed Securities in the Enhanced Financial Accounts" FEDS Notes. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, August 5, 2016. 

Recent discussions:

"Investing in Safety" by J. Breckenfelder, V. De Falco, and M. Hoerova [BSE 2024 discussion slides]

"Wholesale Funding Runs, Spreads, and Central Bank Interventions" by J. Magnani and Y. Wang [YPFS 2023 discussion slides][paper link]

"Dynamic Equilibrium with Costly Short-Selling and Lending Market" by A. Atmaz, S. Basak, and F. Ruan [EFA 2021 discussion slides][paper link]

"Worried Depositors" by M. Chavaz and P. Slutzky [Day Ahead Conference 2020 discussion slides][paper link]

"Insurers as Asset Managers and Systemic Risk" by A. Ellul, C. Jotikasthira, A. Kartasheva, C. Lundblad, and W. Wagner [FIRS 2019 discussion slides][paper link]

"The Bond Pricing Implications of Rating-Based Capital Requirements" by S. Murray and S. Nikolova [CFIC 2019 discussion slides][paper link]

"Price and Volume Dynamics in Bubbles" by Jingchi Liao and Cameron Peng [EWFC 2019 discussion slides][paper link]