Orchestra News
Summer Clarinets
Posted 26/2/25
Marie Lloyd writes...
Dear Newbury Symphony Orchestra
I am writing to invite your clarinettists to the 4th year of Summer Clarinets.
In it’s fourth year, this collaborative, supportive and friendly course is running form 11th-15th August 2025 any the University of Chichester.
The week itself is full of lessons, clarinet ensembles and chamber music. The highlight being the opportunity to play a movement of either the Mozart, Brahms or Weber Clarinet Quintets with a professional string quartet.
This course is proving incredible popular with adults clarinet enthusiasts across the south of England. The course tutors are myself ( a professional clarinettist and teacher for 30 years) and a group of similarly supportive professional musicians.
Please can I ask you to forward this email to your players and I hope they would like to join us on the course.
Details are all on the attached website link above.
With thanks and best wishes
Marie Lloyd
Posted 15/1/25
Researcher Alice Hugo at the University of Winchester is carrying out a project to study musical instrument playing related injuries. You might be eligible if you have experienced such injuries. If you wish to help this valuable research project see he accompanying leafet. If interested please respond by end January.
Saturday 14th December
Posted 1/12/24
Swindon Strings at Christmas is back! If interested contact Wendy Clark at wendyeclark@hotmail.com .
Saturday 14th December 3-5pm with a short break for tea/coffee/mince pies and sherry.
We will be meeting at ST FRANCIS C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL, AIKEN ROAD, TAW HILL, SWINDON, SN25 1UH. It is opposite Taw Hill Medical Centre and there is plenty of free parking.
It will be a relaxing fun afternoon of old favourites, surprises and Christmas music.
There will be a fee of £10 to cover the cost of the hall, payable on the day and please remember to bring a music stand.
Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might want to come along. I would also appreciate it if you could let me know if you will be coming so I can arrange enough parts for everyone.
Wendy is Looking forward to seeing you and playing together again!
Opus Anglicanum
Mediaeval Carols in Newbury on 12 Dec
Posted 18/11/24
A program of Mediaeval Carols at St John's Church, Newbury, sung by the small professional vocal group Opus Anglicanum . From simple Gregorian chant and devotional polyphony to joyous & raucous Christmas songs some of which are over 800 years old.
Glowing Review for Spring Concert
posted 24/3/24
Our Spring Concert on 16 March (see poster on left) attracted an appreciative audience of over 150 persons. The review published by the Newbury Weekly News reflects the quality of our performance. Read the full story by reviewer Fiona Bennett on the NWN website. Below, conductor Jonathan Williams and the orchestra thank the audience.
NSO Responds to Consultation on "Martyns Law"
The commitee of the orchestra has submitted a response to the proposed Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Act 2023 “Martyn’s Law” legislation.
Summary: the proposed legislation is onerous, disproportionate and counterproductive. The NSO is opposed to it.
The full statement of evidence provided by the orchestra is available here; NSO Submission to Home Affairs Select Committe. For evidence submitted by other parties see here. The NSO is far from the only amateur music organization with strong objections to this proposed bill.
Neil Farrow conducting an angelic ensemble.
Orchestra Takes Flight
The NSO summer concert in the semi-outdoor Hub at St. Bartholomew school attracted an enthusiastic audience on a warm summer's afternoon. The theme of the concert was "Let's Fly" with conductor Neil Farrow and leader Wendy Clark. Orchestral payers and audience came in fancy dress, and there was a competion in the interval. An instrumental ensemble from the school also joined the performance.
View from the audience.
Violoin soloist Mathilde Milwidski
NSO Soloist Scoops Classic FM Accolade
Mathilde Milwidski, our guest soloist in the forthcoming Spring Concert, has just been included on Classic FM Rising Stars: 30 under 30 list. This is a list of 30 musicians under the age of 30, that Classic FM is championing as Classic FM’s Rising Stars in 2023.
Many congratulations to her! She is performing the Korngold violin concerto with us on 25 March, featuring music by a composer who wrote for the golden age of Hollywood.
Cello soloist Oliver Simpson
Video of November Concert now Available
Courtesy of Rebecca Simpson, we now have Youtube videos available of our successful Autumn Concert. This featured seventeen year old cellist Oliver Simpson who is studying with Gillian Thoday. He was delighted to be selected as an LPO Junior Artist for the year 2021/22 and has performed as a soloist at numerous concerts.
The concert videos can be viewed at:
Carl Maria von Weber - Der Freishütz Overture, Op.77 J.277 - https://youtu.be/Q_4bcNIiUWw
Edward Elgar – Cello Concerto in E minor, Op.85 - https://youtu.be/bGhv8QuGpiQ
Antonín Dvořák – Symphony No. 8 in G major, Op.88 B.163 - https://youtu.be/i9SAs0d2L_M
Julia Rowntree (left) talks to the late Jennifer Davies
Jennifer Davies
We mark the death of long standing violinist member Jennifer Davies, who died on Monday aged 101. At the age of 98 she was the oldest actively playing orchestral member, but unfortunately suffered a fall and could not re-join us after the Covid pandemic. The funeral takes place 1.30 at Speen Church on 6th Dec. The wake follows straight after the service, and is in the church.
Peter Denny (blue jumper) talks to stand partner Keith Whiteman
Peter Denny
It is with great sadness that we learn of the death of Peter Denny, for many years the leader of the Newbury Symphony Orchestra. His funeral will take place at Holy Trinity Church Hermitage on Thursday 27 October at 11am. Donations may be made to 'Help Musicians or Practical Action' may be made via Peter's Tribute Page at wbfd.co.uk. Further details here.
100th Birthday
Our oldest member, violinist Jennifer Davies, turned 100 on the 14 April 2021. The orchestra presented her with a birthday cake. She has hurt her arm recently so has not been able play the violin and we do wish her all the best. She is pictured here in her garden with birthday cake, telegram from the Queen and orchestra chairman David Cooper.