United Methodist Church 

Nevada, Missouri

Welcome to the United Methodist Church,

where our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ

 for the transformation of the world.

Jesus loves you, and so do we. 

All are welcome!

What to expect at Nevada United Methodist Church on Sunday:

Our service is about 60 minutes long.  You will encounter a practical message rooted in Scripture that helps us face the current challenges of life.  These topics might include family and relationships, cultural challenges, or personal struggles depending on the sermon series.  

Nevada UMC has a blended worship service featuring music from all generations with talented musicians.  We love wiggly kids in service and have activity bags available to keep them entertained. We have a nursery for ages birth through Kindergarten also available if desired.  

On the second Sunday of the month, we have breakfast starting at 8:30 a.m. downstairs cooked by the United Methodist Men.  Come for a chance to get to know each other before heading upstairs to worship.  

Unsure what to wear?

We dress casually at Nevada UMC and we want everyone to feel comfortable when coming.  Whether it's overalls, blue jeans, leggings, or a suit jacket, all forms of dress are greeted with the same enthusiasm!  We mean it when we say come as you are.  Everyone is welcome!  

Sunday Services:

 9:30 am - Worship Service

10:45 am - Bible study for ALL ages

Contact us at: 417-667-5435 or nevadaumc@gmail.com