Parent Information
Here is some general information about the group and sections.
So, the bad news - Scouting and Guiding does cost money. But the good news is that reports have found that Scouting and Guiding nationwide offers some of the best value for money.
What you will have to pay:
Uniform - a one off payment. See below about where you can purchase uniform.
Capitation - a once a year payment although it may be broken down into smaller bits. This pays for your membership of either the Scout Association or Girlguiding and includes things like support for the leaders, national programmes or schemes and crucially insurance. It is paid by everyone - even the leaders. If you don't pay it, then you're uninsured and we can't let you join in.
Subs - pays for the activities you do in your section and the resources for them (e.g. craft materials and sports equipment) as well as the maintenance and upkeep of our facilities in Netley Marsh and to support our group activities (more on what that means below). Usually paid on a more regular basis such as once a month or once a term.
A couple of things to note:
If you are having any money troubles please speak to us. Generally speaking we don't want a child to miss out because of money problems. Please just explain your situation and an arrangement may be possible.
All money for the Scout Sections goes into the Group account - leaders don't handle the money. Also, it means you won't have to fill out the forms again as your son/daughter progresses through the sections - so long as there's space then they'll progress automatically.
Girlguiding's regulations are different and require each section to run as an independent unit. As a result each leader handles their own units moneys and it all goes into the section's account. It will also mean that you will have to contact the next section when they are ready to move on, fill out the forms again and join the waiting list if necessary.
Gift Aid is a really useful way for us to raise additional money for the group without it costing you a penny. If you are a UK tax payer paying at least the basic rate of income tax then by Gift Aid-ing your subs and capitation it allows us to claim back the tax (20%) from HM Revenue and Customs. (Money for Scouts goes into the Group Account, Girlguiding goes into your section)
To ensure that we never place too much of a financial burden on our parents we hold regular fundraising events to help subsidise our activities. Our major fundraisers each year is the Netley Marsh Carnival and the Steam Engine Rally although we also run shows, quiz nights and jumble sales to help. If you want to get involved then let us know - we'd love to see you!
As we've mentioned the group itself does lots of things and these too have to be paid for. £1 a month from subs and some of our fundraising total allows us to:
Maintain Woodlands Road activity site and all the group equipment
Run free events such as the Splash nights so all kids can have a go
Pay for Leaders uniforms, training, programme resources and admin supplies
Pay for the youth badges
Both Scouts and Guides are uniformed organisations and so on many occasions you'll be asked to wear uniform.
Where to but it
What you need to pay for