Section NExT

The Northeastern Section will be holding a Section NExT program for new and relatively new colleagues beginning at noon on Friday, November 22nd, before the main meeting begins.

By providing talks and workshops on issues of interest, opportunities to meet and share ideas with other new colleagues, and an introduction into Section activities, we hope to assist new faculty in their transition from graduate school to professional academic life. We welcome all untenured full-time faculty, both those who have and have not been National NExT fellows.

Schedule for Section NExT on Friday

    • 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch

  • 1:00 - 2:30 Jennifer Quinn, University of Washington Tacoma -- Balancing Work/Life

    • Abstract: The classic battle of setting priorities. We will reflect on the current allocation (and ideal allocation) of our time among the following categories: Teaching, Research, Professional Development, Institutional Service, Professional Service, Personal Fulfillment, Personal Relations. We will then create strategies to realistically shift allocations from current to ideal.

    • 3:30 Main portion of Section Meeting begins

Lunch will be provided for the Section NExT program, and the meeting registration fee will be waived for all Section NExT participants. To register for the Section NExT program, you should contact Jason Molitierno, and you should fill out the preregistration form for the meeting and check off that you will be attending the Section NExT program.

Section NExT Coordinator:

Jason Molitierno

Mathematics Department

Sacred Heart University

Fairfield, CT 06825

(203) 371-7775