Graduate Student Papers

Graduate students, full-time and part-time, are invited to present papers on topics in mathematics, statistics, or computer science. Graduate students at any stage of their graduate work are welcome to give a presentation during the session. The presentations, approximately fifteen (15) minutes in length, can be given on expository work, research projects, variations on intriguing proofs, interesting problems in mathematics, work derived from periodicals, employment experiences, summer/independent research experiences, or parts of or work related to Master’s or Doctoral research projects.

The registration fee and the cost for both Friday's dinner and Saturday's lunch will be waived for one graduate student presenter per paper.

Interested graduate students should submit:

    • the title of the presentation,

    • an abstract limited to 100 words (topic appropriate for a general mathematics audience; avoid symbols in abstract),

      • Abstracts should be submitted via email in MS Word or plain text files; please do not submit abstracts using LaTeX

      • or other typesetting software.

    • full name,

    • college/university affiliation,

    • contact information (phone number, fax number, and email address),

    • audio-visual/technology needs for the presentation,

    • the name of a faculty sponsor,

    • full contact information and affiliation for the faculty sponsor.


Sarah Mabrouk

Framingham State University

via email; please use “NES/MAA Graduate Student Paper Session - Submission” for the subject line.

The deadline for abstract submissions is November 8th. Presenters must also have their registration submitted by this date.

Graduate Student Papers Coordinator

Sarah Mabrouk

Department of Mathematics

Framingham State College

100 State Street, P.O. Box 9101

Framingham, MA 01701-9101