Undergraduate Student Papers

Undergraduate students from the Northeastern Section are invited to present talks at the fall meeting on topics in mathematics, statistics, or computer science. The presentations should be 10 minutes in length, on expository work, research projects, employment experiences, or problems from mathematical periodicals.

The registration fee and the cost for both Friday's dinner and Saturday's lunch will be waived for one undergraduate student presenter per paper.

Interested students should submit:

    • the title of the presentation,

    • an abstract of no more than 80 words,

    • full name,

    • email address,

    • mailing address,

    • college/university affiliation,

    • indication of desire to attend the Friday Banquet, the Saturday lunch, or both,

    • the name and email address of a faculty sponsor,

to Raimondo Kovac, rkovac@ric.edu; please use “NES/MAA Undergraduate Student Paper Session - Submission” for the subject line.

The deadline for abstract submissions is November 8th, 2013.

Student Papers Coordinator

Raimundo Kovac

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Rhode Island College

Providence, RI 02908-1991

(401) 456 9753
