
Nelive 13

† Huynh Hoai Nguyen's PhD thesis

My PhD Thesis

‡ My research

§ Fractal gallery

§ Research interests

§ Publications

§ Conferences

Thesis format

This thesis was typeset in TeXworks copyrighted by Jonathan Kew and Stefan Löffler and compiled using

with . The body text is set in Palatino Linotype. The style is based on template from Cambridge University (files are available at and Gunnar Pruessner's PhD thesis and in accordance with Nanyang Technological University's thesis guidelines. The spelling of the words follows British English.


1. Single sided A4, as officially submitted in softcopy form to DR-NTU: [PDF]

2. Double sided A4, as officially submitted in printed hard-copy to NTU Library: [PDF]

3. Double sided A5, folded and bound as booklet: [PDF]