
Neil H.

† Huynh Hoai Nguyen's Publications

My Publications

‡ My research

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§ Publications

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Refereed Articles

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8. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH, Erika Fille LEGARA and Christopher MONTEROLA, "A dynamical model of twitter activity profiles", Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (2015). [URL]

7. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH, Andri PRADANA and Lock Yue CHEW, "The complexity of sequences generated by the arc-fractal system", PLOS ONE, 10 e0117365 (2015). [URL]

6. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH, Thi Phuc Tan NGUYEN and Lock Yue CHEW, "Numerical simulation and geometrical analysis on the onset of chaos in a system of two coupled pendulums", Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 18 291 (2013). [URL]

5. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH and Gunnar PRUESSNER, "Abelian Manna model in three dimensions and below", Physical Review E, 85 061133 (2012). [URL] [PREPRINT]

4. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH, Gunnar PRUESSNER and Lock Yue CHEW, "Abelian Manna model on various lattices in one and two dimensions", Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 2011 P09024 (2011). [URL] [PREPRINT]

3. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH and Lock Yue CHEW, "Arc-fractal and the dynamics of coastal morphology", Fractals - Complex Geometry, Patterns, and Scaling in Nature and Society, 19 141 (2011). [URL]

2. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH, Lock Yue CHEW and Gunnar PRUESSNER, "Abelian Manna model on two fractal lattices", Physical Review E, 82 042103 (2010). [URL] [PREPRINT]

1. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH and Lock Yue CHEW, "Two-coupled pendulum system: bifurcation, chaos and the potential landscape approach", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 20 2427 (2010). [URL]


2. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH and Gunnar PRUESSNER, "The Manna model on cylindrical, large aspect ratio lattices and above the upper critical dimension", 2016.

1. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH, Evgeny Makarov, Erika Fille LEGARA, Christopher MONTEROLA and Lock Yue CHEW, "Spatial patterns in urban systems", 2016. [URL]


2. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH, "Complexity: a study of fractals and self-organized critiality", thesis for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Physics at Nanyang Technological University 2013. [URL]

1. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH, "Investigation into the synchronisation and nonlinear dynamics of a two-coupled pendulum system", thesis for the degree Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physics and Applied Physics at Nanyang Technological University 2008. [URL]


7. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH, News Feature on research "Spatial patterns in urban systems", Nanyang Technological University - Complexity Institute Newsletters, Issue 4 (August) 6 (2016). [URL]

6. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH, Report on Prof. Leon Chua's (UC Berkeley) talk "The origin of Complexity: local activity and the third law of thermodynamics", Nanyang Technological University - Institute of Advanced Studies Newsletters, Issue 16 (September) 37 (2014). [URL]

5. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH, Gunnar PRUESSNER and Lock Yue CHEW, "Self-organized critical model on fractal lattices of dimension between 1 and 2", poster presented at XXXI D-Days Europe, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, 12th – 16th September 2011. [URL]

4. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH, Gunnar PRUESSNER and Lock Yue CHEW, "Self-organized critical model on fractal lattices of dimension between 1 and 2", poster presented at ECCS'11, University of Vienna, Vienna,  Austria, 12th – 16th September 2011. [URL]

3. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH, "Abelian Manna model on various lattices of different dimensions before mean-field", talk given at Complexity Workshop, Feza Gursey Institute, Istanbul, Turkey, 05th – 10th September 2011. [URL]

2. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH, "Development of fractal lattices and SOC models in dimension between 1 and 2", talk given at IPS Meeting , Institute of Physics, Singapore, 25nd – 26th February 2011. [URL]

1. Hoai Nguyen HUYNH and Lock Yue CHEW, "A dynamical model of coastline formation", poster presented at KAGI21st, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 22nd – 27th August 2009. [URL]