
Nelive 13

† Huynh Hoai Nguyen's Research and Teaching

HUYNH Hoai Nguyen

Division of Physics and Applied Physics

School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

SPMS-PAP-04-20, 21 Nanyang Link, Singapore 637371

‡ My research

§ Fractal gallery

§ Research interests

§ Publications

§ Conferences


My research areas fall in the fields of Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Systems and scale invariant phenomena in general. My interest in Complex Systems involves studying different natural and social phenomena that share the same emergent properties and can be tackled using the approaches of Nonlinear Dynamics and Self-Organized Criticality. The aim is to understand the fundamental driving mechanisms of these systems and to see if they share any common underlying (new) physics. Once the mapping to models of theoretical studies is established, the next step is to make the prediction about the time evolution of those phenomena under different conditions and sketch out preparation for future circumstances.

Below is the list of research projects that I have been working on.

I have been doing peer review for the following journals.


University courses:

Non-university courses: