What is meant by Biotic Components in Environment

Biotic And Abiotic Components Of Environment. Now a days the word environment is often being used by almost all people around us, on television and in newspapers. Every one is speaking about the protection and pre-serration of environment. Global summits are being held regularly to discuss environmental issues.

During the last hundred years, the mutual relationship among environment, social organization and culture has been discussed in sociology, anthropology and geography. All this shows the increasing importance of environment. Besides, it is a fact that life is tied with the environment.

The term environment has been derived from a French word “Environia” means to surround. It refers to both abiotic (physical or non-living) and biotic (living) environment. The word environment means surroundings, in which organisms live. Environment and the organisms are two dynamic and complex component of nature.

All living things depend on their surroundings for food, water, and shelter.

All that surrounds living things and affects their growth and development is called their environment.

Both living and non-living things form the environment. Thus, we can say that the environment is made up of two parts or components - biotic and abiotic.

Plants absorb nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium from the soil. These nutrients enter the bodies of animals when they eat plants or the flesh of other animals. After these plants and animals die, their bodies decompose and nutrients reach back to the soil.

Some organisms feed on the bodies of dead plants and animals and release the nutrients trapped inside them.

Animals that feed on the dead bodies of other animals are called scavengers. For example, hyena and vulture.

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What is meant by Biotic Components in Environment
What is meant by Biotic Components in Environment