Types Of Heterotrophic Nutrition

Heterotrophic Nutrition:

It is a mode of nutrition in which the organisms obtain readymade organic food from outside sources. The organisms that depend upon outside sources for obtaining organic nutritens are called heterotrophs. Heterotrophic nutrition is of three types - saprophytic, parasitic and holozoic.

Saprophytic or Saprotrophic Nutrition:

It is a mode of heterotrophic nutrition in which food is obtained from organic remains like dead organisms, excreta, fallen leaves, broken twigs, food articles, etc. Organisms performing saprophytic nutrition are called saprophytes.

Parasitic Nutrition:

It is a mode of hetrotrophic nutrition in which a living organisms flourishes by obtaining food from another living organism. The lving organisms which obtains food and shelter from another organism is called parasite. The organism which provides food and shelter to a parasite is known as host. An external plant parasite is Cuscuta (Amarbel). It is a non-green plant that sends haustroria or sucking roots into host plant for obtaining food and water.

Parasitic Plants

A parasitic plant is one that partially or completely depends on another plant (called host) for nutrition.

Usually, parasitic plants develop special roots, which penetrate into the tissues of the host plant. The prepared food is generally absorbed from the root or the stem of the host plant. Some examples are Cuscuta (dodder) and mistletoe.

The slender leaves of bladderworts bear a large number of very small, pear-shaped bladder structures, which act like trapdoors and suck in small insects in less than a second.

    • Types Of Heterotrophic Nutrition Class 10

    • Heterotrophic Nutrition In Plants For Class 7

    • Heterotrophic Nutrition Wikipedia

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Types Of Heterotrophic Nutrition
Types Of Heterotrophic Nutrition