2017 NCERW Summer Institute, Taos
Each institute participant will contribute a work-in-progress project for Institute Workshop Sessions in Taos. We organize NCERW Working Groups and creating networking opportunities for NCERW Institute participants before the summer sessions.
Registration: 50 participants, Limited Enrollment. Advanced Registration open through December 15, 2016.
Location: Sagebrush Inn, Taos
No Registration Fees Required! Enrollment is Limited. Enrollment includes NCERW Group Rates for Lodging. Some meals during the program are included. Approximate cost for Lodging, Meals, and 3-Day Institute Sessions is $155-175/day. Advanced reservations for 2017 NCERW Summer Institute, Taos, must be made by December 15, 2016. Advanced registrants will be included on NCERW listserv for further details and updates re: 2017 NCERW Summer Institute, Taos.
Historic Sagebrush Inn, Taos.