National Consortium of Environmental Rhetoric and Writing

Mission Statement

The National Consortium of Environmental Rhetoric & Writing represents a constellation of stakeholders locally and nationally centered around educational principles and cultural practices that promote the generative (creative and life-sustaining) ecological relationships of language and literacy to the maintenance and well being of diverse communities. 

The NCERW seeks to establish an intellectual commonwealth to guide curriculum development, stimulate resource-sharing, and support multi-modal approaches to community engagement, networking, and research in environmental rhetoric and writing. NCERW promotes environmental literacy across the curriculum in educational institutions (K-16) toward the advancement of environmental justice and community activism.


Michelle Hall Kells

 University of New Mexico

Michelle Hall Kells CV

Susan Gilbertz

 Montana State Billings  University

Susan Gilbertz CV

Adalida Baca

University of New Mexico

Adalida Baca

Erin Gallegos