Top 10 list to create!

1. Know your subject...create a photo file, inspiration folder with ideas.

2. Collect, art supplies you will need.

3. Follow your passion! What are you interested in. What motivates you?

4. Create a road map, quick sketches and pick the best one.

5. Start with the focus - what you find interesting in the subject. Avoid putting it in the center.

6. Block it in - start with your focus, then add simple shapes and contrast to highlight the focus!

7. Use, lines, shapes, colors and textures in the space around your composition to lead the viewer to the focus.

8. Start small to get started. Finish what you start! Play, keep it fresh and have fun. Look at it from a distance. Enhance the focus add dramatic contrast. Use touches of color around the composition to move the viewer's eye around the piece.

9. Evaluate your results. What worked! Where do you need to go next? New techniques to try. Take a class! Research other subjects you what to try. Always make new goals for yourself. Keep an art journal to record the process.

10. Repeat above, enjoy making your mark. Look around for more inspiration online and in everyday life. Create!

1. Start with your inspiration - photo, etc. 2. Add layers of color. 3. Step back and refine.