Developmental Activities : The basic necessary infrastructure has already been provisioned in the temple, now considering the heavy inflow of devotees, especially during annual events, religious functions etc, the present committee has undertaken the following activities.

Construction of an arch at the entrance of the Metikunte village road and the Sira-Amarapura road. This will guide all pilgrims and devotees to easily locate the village and temple. This also provide publicity to the temple as the public who travel along the Sira-Amarapura road can know about the existence of the temple.

  1. Construction of a community hall behind the temple adjacent to the village road, which would enable the villagers to perform domestic and religious functions, at nominal rate, and also provide a means of income to the temple. ( COMPLETED )

  2. Construction of a ‘Rajagopuram’ at the entrance of the temple, adorned with all ‘Bhagavatham characters’. It is proposed to erect a five-step gopuram, which would provide a special get up to the temple. ( FUTURE DEVELOPMENT )

  3. Construction of a special ‘GOSHALA’ and’ TULASI VANAM’ to cater to the abhishekam and daily decoration of the Lord with ‘tulasi mala’. ( FUTURE DEVELOPMENT )

  4. Provision for a ‘Ratham’ or chariot to the lord, ‘Sheshavahana’ , prasdam counters, etc also will be taken up.( COMPLETED )

  5. Printing and publishing of books, audio tapes, video tapes, on the temple and its history and other articles like souvenirs, etc also need to be done. ( FUTURE DEVELOPMENT )

  6. Construction of rest rooms / guest rooms with solar heaters, for the devotees to stay near the temple and attend temple functions, parking space to park vehicles, etc with nominal charges. ( FUTURE DEVELOPMENT )

  7. Proposal to construct a yagashala, Sri Rama Temple, etc. ( COMPLETED )

  8. Vaikunta Dwaram' was constructed for the benefit of devotees, and to facilitate Vaikunta Ekadasi celebrations ( COMPLETED in 2010 )

It has also been proposed to renovate the Hanuman Temple, by changing the flooring, Shri Rama, Lakshmana & Sitadevi, along with Hanuman. This renovation is expected to be taken up shortly and completed by March-April. The plan is to inaugurate this Temple consisting Sri Rama, Lakshmana, Sita & Anjaneya on the auspeciuos 'Srirama Navami' . A sketch of the proposed re-modelled temple is as follows. ( COMPLETED )

A ) Front view, with the details of Gopuram :

The complete renovation of the Hanuman Temple, re-installation of the Hanuman Idol, along with new idols of Sri Rama, Sitadevi and Lakshmana, has been completed, during April 2011. The 'Pratishtapana' of these idols was done on May 13th, 2011, after completion of all Homams, as per Agama Shastra.

In the next phase it is proposed to construct the 'Sarva Devatha Sannidhi' near the yahashala, housing about 8 mandapams.

Some of the deities that are planned in this complex are :

a) Idols of Varalakshmi with four Alwars i.e Nammalwar, Perialwar, Ramanujar & Vedanta Deshikar

b) Idols of Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva & Sri Lakshmi Narasimha

c ) Idol of Sudarshana Chakrat Alwar

d) Idol of Sri Venkateswara

e) Idols of Dattatreya & Dhanvantari

A proposed sketch of the Sarva Devatha Sannidhi Complex is shown below :

The Bhoomi Pooja for the construction of Sarva Devatha Sannidhi was performed on 16.02.2012, and eight small temple complexs are likely to be completed by December 2012. The installation of various idols and Prathistapana homams are likely to be held during March-April 2013. A few images of the Bhoomi Pooja event is shown.