
v Introduction:

The 20th century of English Literature identifies the ‘Modernism’. It has directly connected something new and distinctive features that in the subjects, forms, concepts, and styles of literature and the other arts in the early decades of the 20th century. In the history, we find that ‘The Modernist Movement’ started in the mid 19th century in France. The Modernist believed that traditional forms of art, literature, social organization and daily life had become out dated. They thought to change all these. The Modernist Movement argued Read More...

Paper No.-10 The American Literature


Expressionism in ‘Mourning Becomes Electra’

v Introduction:

‘Mourning Becomes Electra’ regarded a play which given by American playwright Eugene O’Neil. The whole play concerns psychological theory in which ‘Oedipus Complex’ arouses chaos in the play. ‘Mourning Becomes Electra’ regarded monumental revision of Aeschylus’s ‘Oresteia’ a Greek play. O’Neill chose Electra because he felt that her tale had been left incomplete. More generally, as his diary notes indicate, O’Neill understood his exercises in tragedy as an attempt to find a modern analogue to an ancient mode of experience. Read More...

v Introduction:

Black skin white mask is a sociological study of the psychology of racism and the dehumanization inherent to colonial domination published in English 1967. Frantz Fanon was a French philosopher, revolutionary thinker and author. His work remains influential in the post colonial studies and critical theory. Fanon is known as a radical humanist. His works have incited and inspired anti-colonial. Fanon wrote his first book, an analysis of the psychological effects of colonial people identified as black. He used psychoanalysis and Read More...

Paper No.-12 A English Language Teaching-1


English as a Universal Language: Language Awareness

v Introduction:

The world ‘English’, is not a new for us. It deals with the universality of language. Nowadays English language considers a ‘Modern Language’ also. English language has a kind of language that we can apply to communication in life. For example: If we go to abroad, at that time we don’t know its native language. We can use English language there for communication. People use English language for communication, but it also applies for other perspective. It use for express a feeling, idea, knowledge and internet also. Read More...